I've gone all neurotic!

Oct 08, 2005 04:43

I just emailed my mom a whole slew of phone numbers because what if we're in a car accident this weekend and all die instantly or get rushed to the hospital or something crazy like that? How is she going to know who to call if she doesn't hear from me?

Last weekend, I got all freaked out because what if X happened? Or even worse, Y? I'd totally be up shit creek!

All this week, I've been plagued with the crazy notion that no one actually really likes me and/or that everyone likes L and N waaaaay more than me. But at the same time, I like myself and think I'm pretty nifty... but if no one likes me (aside from L and N, of course), then I must be crazy to think I'm an ok chica.

Where the heck is all this coming from? I'm in bizzarro emo-land or some shite. Ack!

In other news, my cranberry relish is fucking AWESOME! I think it's the best I've ever had (and made!) And my cutest pie pumpkin ever made exactly enough mush for pumpkin custard. Don't know how that'll turn out yet. Will post the results when we return from family holiday time Monday nightish.

I feel all autumnal. Neurotic, but autumnal. Yay!

spending time with family, food, worries

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