My Canada Day Weekend: What I Learned by LadyJane

Jul 04, 2005 04:07

I'm FINALLY getting tired -- it's4am, and I only got about 3 hours of "sleep" last night.

I'm annoyed: I hurt my mouth this weekend, so now the only fruit I can enjoy without pain are bananas -- this is good because I like bananas, but I have a splendiferous smoothie left over from yesterday morning that will likely be too painful to suck down. Grargh.

Aside from that, my weekend was absolutely spectacular. It was certainly the Best Canada Day Weekend Ever -- even better than last year's when my wife and I got legally married. How could this weekend possibly be better than that? Because I'm still married to my wife so we are celebrating our 1st (STILL LEGAL) wedding anniversary, AND we have some seriously amazing friends. And lots of new acquaintances, many of whom I added to my flist tonight.

It was also a weekend of learning and reaffirmation:
  • I learned that more of a good thing is not always a good thing.
  • Meeting new people can be fun -- usually it's nerve-wracking. Hear that, new people who may now be reading this? You're all awesome and I'm very glad to have made your acquaintance. :)
  • Inspector Gadget's theme song is based on "In the Hall of the Mountain King" by Edvard Grieg.
  • There are times when ice is no longer a hard limit.
  • I like my body. While there are nitpicky things I'd like to change, I'm glad I can't because they're part of me and I like me and my packaging.
  • Certain sweets I used to LOOOOOVE now make me wanna retch when I smell them. This makes me happy.
  • Pepto Bismal tastes dismal because of the saccharine, but dammit, it works, so it is my friend.
  • I may not like being in school, but research still gets me kinda giddy.
  • Letting go of the past is not easy but sometimes very necessary.
  • My wife and my partner are the two bestest people in the whole wide world, and that makes me a very lucky duck. Or cat... Fox? Whatever.
  • it's fun to use learning for evil!

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