being downtown saturday without Lynxie was odd and wrong-feeling. I went down there with N. and didn't see anyone we knew while I was there. it felt very off being there with a guy in dyke-land. I felt like a friggin' tourist. Sometimes, being Bi kinda stinks because sometimes I get tired of living at the fringes of $subculture. :( And having no spendy money, I couldn't buy anything to make me feel better. This is the first Pride I didn't get a piece of jewelry.
N and I watched a drumming demo and a martial arts demo and then we danced and won t-shirts from Support Our Youth (SOY). Went home kinda mopey because I couldn't indulge in shopping therapy at the vendors area, even though I saw a really awesome bracelet for $15, which I didn't think over-priced at all. It was hempy and hippy in a delicate sort of way. Big want. Big didn't get.
sgeimh_solais came over and then we three went to Wolf Moon. After which,
foxesdaughter and
optimystik came over to
cleasai's place to celebrate H's bday, which is this Wednesday. I had fun, but I kept thinking
the_moogie should have been there.
Yesterday was of mixed emotions at first and by the time Lynxie came down to join in the fray, things started going in an unquestionably good direction. It always takes a little time right after the end of the parade for the billions of people to thin out, which they had by the time L came to join us. We went round the vendors again, and again I got mopey 'cuz no money (no money for the next week or so, actually). And then we headed to the Alexander Parkette to watch Kelly and the Kelly Girls do their ska/swing thang. N and I split for food and missed the first part of the show, but thankfully L had
tormenta to keep her company. The only other down part I had was when I discovered that Pizza Pizza did NOT have the Strawberry Sensation Salad that their HUGE sign claimed they had, so I opted for the Mandarin Chicken salad instead even though I really really really wanted strawberries... and then discovered that the dressings available all either had sugar or red bell peppers in them. I was already hungry at that point so the coping well was not happening. N fixed everything (as he or L usually does), and I ended up with strawberries, blueberries, and bananas and my mandarin chicken salad. Yay!
After Kelly and the Kelly Girls, we all headed to FunkAsia and met up with
mr_pugh, and
northbard. DJ Zahra spun decently well (a few shakey transitions) and managed to get my wife to dance BOTH to House of Pain, AND AC/DC. I squealed internally with great delight!
We stayed there for about an hour and a half, then headed to
tormenta's for pool time and after-pool fun. We checked out at around midnight and headed up to Golden Griddle for FOOD 'cuz we were starvin'. I, uh, did somethin' crazy while we were there.
I had pancakes with syrup. And caffeine.
I haven't had pancakes or syrup since I started my diet 3 months ago, nor have I had caffeine. I ordered hot tea, a 3-egg omelette with feta (they added spinach accidently, but that's cool), and 3 buckwheat pancakes, which almost assuredly had regular wheat in as well. And the syrup. Oh wow, I had SYRUP!!
And it was really really really really goooooood. ( I want more.) It felt so awesome to be able to eat like a normal person again. And surprisingly enough, there haven't been any ill-effects, so far. I washed it all down with a large glass of milk and proceeded to enjoy the ensuing sugar high. Sugar highs are my favourite high. Sugar totally beats all the other drugs I've tried so far (which really don't number very high at all).
But yeah, nothing bad happened -- like, no heavy-hitting lethargy or immediately stuffed up nose from the wheat. No major crash, no hugely pissy behaviour, no crankiness from the sugar. I was up until 6am, slept soundly, got up at 2:30-ish and have had a really good day today.
My new mantra for the next little while, though, is "Must Not Abuse the Sugar."
Today, N and I rollerbladed to Hillcrest park, tossed a cloth frisbee around and then a nerf football. I like tossing the football around. And then we swung in the swings and jumped out of them like when we were kids, and he climbed a tree, and we played on the balance beam thingers. I have dirty hands and dirty feet and a big ol' blister on the bottom of my big toe that popped. But he had kleenex and bandaids and took care of me. We're sad, though, that our bodies aren't nearly as resilient as they were when we were younger. I landed pretty hard when I came out of the swing, and have NO upper body strength, so swinging on the monkey bars was completely impossible for me, even though I used to be a whiz at it. And then we bladed home. He stopped by his place and grabbed Pick-Up Sticks so we can play later. I wonder how well we'll do with the cats helping us.