Post-election Day 2020

Nov 06, 2020 21:11

It's been 3 days since Election Day 2020, and the race has not been officially called yet. But Biden is leading in NV, PA, and GA by a small margin at the moment which still has yet to be called and keeping him from reaching those 270 electoral votes. According to the AP, Biden stands at 264 electoral votes while Trump is at 214. Never in my lifetime would I ever see AZ and GA turn blue. It is really remarkable. Florida is still trash though. Although it looks like Jacksonville may have become more liberal as it still stayed blue like it did during the 2018 midterms. It definitely looks like Biden will become the 46th president, and Kamala Harris will be the first Black-Indian WOMAN to become vice president (suck it, Sarah Palin). Trump is done for, and should concede. But of course, that is something he's absolutely not going to do. Instead, he's been throwing a fit over Twitter and trying to sue all the battleground states regarding "illegal votes". I cannot wait for the day when I don't have to sigh at whatever dumb shit he does daily when I get on social media. It has been an exhausting 4 years under this administration. It seems no matter what criminal shit Trump has done over the years, he still does not face the consequences for it. His supporters are basically just his cult members at this point. It's ridiculous that this race is this close after all the shit he put us through. 78 million people in this country are really dumb, racist, sexist, homophobic, or xenophobic. Or all of the above. I have become truly disgusted with this country, and wish I could afford to live somewhere else. But at the moment, it looks like better days are coming ahead. We can finally have some real leadership again and do something about this pandemic. Even though the vote counting is slow due to the increase in absentee ballots because of the pandemic, it is satisfying to see the demise of this orange troll and his people.

I was looking through my old posts about the 2012 and 2016 elections. It wasn't until I was 22 in 2012, to realize that a lot of people in this country (especially Florida) don't vote for policies or people in their best interest. Jacksonville used to be more red at the time, and I remember Republicans cutting off people from their lives simply because they voted for Obama. Now people who hate Trump are getting criticized for doing the same to Trump supporters and acting like it's the same thing. Absolutely fucking not. If someone claims to support Trump because of his policies (whatever little, beneficial ones he put out), and are okay with the atrocious shit he's done, it is absolutely justified that they should be cut off from your life should you choose to do so. I cannot fathom why people insist both sides are at level playing fields when it comes to their politics.

But this election has for sure made up for the misery that was post-Election Day 2016. I still remember how dark and cloudy it was the day after, mimicking the mood of defeat. How I still had to go to work and class and deal with the smugness of Trump supporters there. I'm glad I get to be home again during election season and not deal with that shit at work.

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