10 Things to Love

Nov 07, 2014 22:01

Stolen from de_nugis because this week was hellish at work and sometimes the little things are the best things.

1. It's Friday and we're going to Chicago for a wedding tomorrow and I don't have to work again until 12:30 on Monday and then we're closed Tuesday.

2. "Handguns" by Greensky Bluegrass is such a great song.

3. When my dog crawls under the blankets and licks my feet at bedtime.

4. Apple scented candles.

5. I ordered a vintage 1960s bright red princess coat for real cheap off of Etsy and not only is it in great condition, but the seller threw in a sweet vintage red, white, and blue scarf.

6. I got to see my best friend when I was in Pittsburgh last week. We got lunch at the Eat n Park in Monroeville and walked around the mall. When we said goodbyes, we said "I love you."

7. My sister in law gave us a lovely succulent terrarium she designed herself as a wedding gift. We've had it since June and I haven't killed it yet.

8. I think the boss that I notoriously don't get along with at work and I may have reached a sort of truce. Accidentally. Which is the best kind of truce.

9. Clove cigarettes.

10. A clean kitchen.
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