SPN FIC: The Many Deaths of the Winchester Brothers

Oct 30, 2011 15:04

Title: The Many Deaths of the Winchester Brothers
Characters: Dean, Lisa, Sam (mentioned)
Word count: 3,500
Summary: Coda to 5.22. Dean is having a rough time adjusting to civilian life. I know, I'm late to the party. 
Warnings: Angst. Dean!POV, drunk!Dean!POV
Disclaimer: Not my sandbox. 
Notes: So, I work in Battle Creek, MI and this seriously jumped ( Read more... )

sammich, pie, fic, deen, supernatural, i majored in english can you tell?, writing, geekiness, pimping

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Comments 21

hidden_easel October 30 2011, 19:52:40 UTC
Great read~! Thanks for being awesome ;)


kettle_o_fish November 5 2011, 21:50:01 UTC
Thanks for reading! <3


roque_clasique October 31 2011, 00:01:00 UTC
Oooh, I adore this. I'm always starving for Braeden-era fic and this is just stunning and sad and illuminating. Your Lisa is awesome, and your drunk!Dean voice is just perfect. Wonderful, wonderful.


kettle_o_fish November 5 2011, 21:50:49 UTC
Aww. Thank you. Lisa just...showed up on her own and decided to be awesome. >< She's awesome like that.


wishflthinkr October 31 2011, 00:06:17 UTC
Great, per usual! ;) I especially liked the stuff with the real ID's. Those boys did deserve better.


kettle_o_fish November 5 2011, 21:52:10 UTC
They did. They really really did. It's heartbreaking when you think about everything they lost. Most of the time, they didn't even realize it was gone until later. Aww.


rince1wind October 31 2011, 00:47:53 UTC
Made me cry.

Some very nice writing.

"Bright-eyed and blond, swimming in thrift store leather: that Dean’s been gone a long time too."

But it ends with some hope. I really want Dean to have loved some of his time with Lisa, who loved him. (And I hate that he asked Cas to erase her memory of him. In my head that didn't happen.)



kettle_o_fish November 5 2011, 21:53:57 UTC
But it ends with some hope.

This. I try really hard not to write completely hopeless things.

I hate that Dean had Cas erase their memories too. I hated it so much.


quickreaver October 31 2011, 01:46:00 UTC
Oh, this is lovely melancholy sadness! I have such fondness for your Lisa; she's strong and soft and tough and forgiving. And your Dean is heart-breakingly spot on. When Lisa finds Sam's old college i.d., I got kinda sniffly, I confess. Wonderful, wonderful slice of life. You do those SO well. *adores*


kettle_o_fish November 5 2011, 21:54:32 UTC
When Lisa finds Sam's old college i.d., I got kinda sniffly,

Not gonna lie, I got kinda sniffly writing it.


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