SPN FIC: The Other Brother

Aug 04, 2011 18:48

So I didn't get the job. More on that later when I'm appropriately wine-soaked. In the meantime, I wrote this here story for a an ohsam prompt by dollarformyname : Sam and Adam are pulled from the cage at the same time. Sam is not right, and Adam, stuck as his caretaker, is not pleased (the reason for Adam not being the same kind of drooling mess is up to the author ( Read more... )

supernatural, sammich, fandom, fic, adam should get a tag too, tv rots your brain, deen

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Comments 100

si_star_x August 4 2011, 23:12:58 UTC
Hey, Lady? You really, really, really broke Sammy. But you wrote it so well, I liked the bit with the dandelion, and... all of it. It was really intense and gripping and perfect.



kettle_o_fish August 6 2011, 14:39:45 UTC
*hugs* Thank you! Sam just breaks so well. It's all his fault.


wishflthinkr August 4 2011, 23:42:10 UTC
Always love your fic. ;) Especially enjoyed the interactions between Dean and Adam - very brotherly!


kettle_o_fish August 6 2011, 14:40:26 UTC
Thanks! Dean and Adam should hang out more.


jagfanlj August 5 2011, 00:05:24 UTC
You had me from the first line all the way through.
Your writing is beautiful, filled with emotion and vivid imagery. When Sam's broken memories surface they are truly horrifying.

Most of all, this was so REAL. Adam's frustration and wanting to distance himself seems like something anyone who's a caregiver might feel -- particularly if they didn't volunteer for the job. Yet, he was so gentle with Sam and so protective. *smishes Adam-Sam-Dean*

hmmmm.... that gives me an idea for a prompt. ;D


kettle_o_fish August 6 2011, 14:48:34 UTC
*blush* Thanks for reading!

I think it's a little bit of a shame that they didn't bring Adam back. His whole I-didn't-sign-up-for-this-you-two-are-so-screwed-up attitude would have been a fun contrast to Sam and Dean's unconditional devotion.


greeneyes_fan August 5 2011, 00:09:14 UTC
Yay siblings! : )

With really broken Sam : (


kettle_o_fish August 6 2011, 14:50:24 UTC
All of the siblings! All of them!

Sam will be okay! I think staying in one place, having his brothers and Bobby be a more constant presence will do him some good. :)


sistabro August 5 2011, 00:18:05 UTC
Oh, Sam, you are very broken and it is beautiful. Adam was amazing here. I now want the three Winchester's show, surly Adam, snarky Dean, psychotic Sam. :D

Also, hugs, because you sound like you need them. <3


kettle_o_fish August 6 2011, 14:51:41 UTC
I now want the three Winchester's show, surly Adam, snarky Dean, psychotic Sam.

Oh man, me tooooo.

*hugs* Thanks. Yeah, the job thing was a big disappointment.


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