SPN FIC: Ghost in the Machine

Mar 20, 2011 22:08

Title: Ghost in the Machine
Spoilers: None
Genre: AU, For Keeps 'verse
Summary: A few years after the events of Thursday, Castiel drops in for a friendly visit interrogation.
Warnings: damaged!Sam, life-after-the-wall
Disclaimer: Not my sandbox.
Author’s Note: This takes place after A Lullaby for the Boys We Used to Be. but it's not essential that you ( Read more... )

you're confusing reality with fandom aga, sammich, fandom, fic, supernatural, i majored in english can you tell?, writing, geekiness

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Comments 19

minviendha March 21 2011, 02:31:07 UTC
Have I told you that I love this verse? No?

I love this verse. It makes me so, so sad, but at the same time - it's all right, it's not terrible, and it works. And pushes all my buttons at once.

So yes. That's a good thing.

Thank you for sharing!


kettle_o_fish March 21 2011, 10:13:50 UTC
You're welcome! I love pushing all the buttons. They're all so shiny. Hehe. <3


si_star_x March 21 2011, 08:49:25 UTC
Sam's goddamn cat, Sammich... *Melts into goo of happiness*


I absolutely loved this. It was awesome to see Cas, even though he totally needs to keep out of their lives, 'cause Sam is getting better damnit, and they can't afford any set-backs. They're going on a road trip next month, huh?

Everything about this was just lovely. The image of Sam basking in the sunshine was just glorious (even though it makes me pine for the summer), and then the last line... so perfect.

I'm so glad you managed to pump this out, baby, 'cause it's special.


kettle_o_fish March 21 2011, 10:16:52 UTC

I have no idea where Sam got the cat. It just wandered onto the set one day. I'll have to do some research or something.

They are going on a roadtrip! It will be my attempt to write something light-hearted for this verse. I have no idea where they are going though.

Hehe. Sam preens. I love that Sam preens. He is a bronze god and is charged by the powers of the sun.

Thanks for reading, lady! <3


si_star_x March 21 2011, 10:22:49 UTC
I love Sam with a kitty! It's the most adorable thing in the world, and totally fits here. It's a stray, no doubt, and considering it keeps Sam interested there's no way Dean's refusing to look after it.

Roadtrippppp. I can't wait. It'd be cool to see Sam's reaction to music, especially Dean's music.

AND YES! He does preen and does it so damn well. I loved that scene, Sammy bathed in sunlight with his golden-flecked hair, aww. So adorable.

I loved this instalment loads, honey pie. I hope you have a good Monday and that work isn't too stressful for you.

I'm waiting in for the repairman of DOOM. *Hides behind the sofa*


kettle_o_fish March 21 2011, 13:02:12 UTC
I love Sam's cat. Her lack-of-formal-name is totally a cop-out on my part because I didn't know what a Winchester pet should be named, but I justify it in my head as Dean refusing to name her because it's Sam's cat and if he wants her to have a name he can damn well open his mouth and do it himself.

Also because if Dean named her, it would imply that he liked her, and Dean and Bobby try not to like the cat because that is NOT MANLY and they are manly men. Yes.

Roadtrip! It's going to be epic...eventually.

I had messages in my voicemail before I even got my coffee. I hate when workdays start like that. :(

I hope the repair man of doom isn't too sucky.


de_nugis March 21 2011, 12:16:28 UTC
I love your version of damaged Sam, with his strange symbols and his Enochian and the way he's not just not all there, he's clearly partly somewhere else. And protective Dean is always the icing on top.

It makes me want Cas POV on his interactions with this alien side of Sam.


kettle_o_fish March 21 2011, 13:04:01 UTC
he's clearly partly somewhere else.


Unfortunately, I'm still kinda figuring out where that is myself. Poor planning FTW!

Oh no! Don't feed the plot bunnies! They're like gremlins! Really!


(The comment has been removed)

kettle_o_fish March 21 2011, 22:57:58 UTC
*flails and bounces and squees*

It's eating my brain. EATING MY BRAIN.


emmram March 21 2011, 15:46:27 UTC
I am utterly fascinated that Sam not only knew exactly what Castiel was asking/going to ask, but also gave an answer that Castiel understood, despite his, uh, altered mental state. I feel kind of proud and sad at the same time.

If you could write a fic in this 'verse from Sam's PoV, I'd love you forever and ever. And then for some more time.


kettle_o_fish March 21 2011, 22:57:09 UTC
If you could write a fic in this 'verse from Sam's PoV...


But ohhh, what a fantastic idea. I totally thought about it all day at work and I have no idea when I'll post something...but I will post something. And it will be all your fault. <3


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