SPN FIC: Master Post

Jan 24, 1979 00:09

While You Were Sleeping: Based on a prompt at ohsam :  Dean says Yes to Michael. Sam and Cas traverse a post-apocalyptic landscape searching for him. And then Sam gets sick. Really sick.

Armageddon in Retrospect : sequel to "While You Were Sleeping."

Stand Down Son, Start Resting Easy: Based on a prompt at ohsamPost-hell Sam is so terrified of his nightmares that he decides that he just won't sleep. Ever. Yeah. That's going to end well.

Spoilers: 6.06, 6.07
Genre: Episode tag, h/c, drama
Summary: It was an insult to Sam’s memory and Dean wasn't going to stand for it

Something Borrowed: Based on vail_kagami 's prompt at the ohsam H/C Fic Challenge. Sam comes back from Hell a total wreck but Dean thinks he can handle it....except he totally can't.  Sam ends up in a mental hospital, drugged and restrained, and deteriorating fast.

Serenity: Everyone knew that Dean Winchester had a drinking problem. What they failed to notice was that Sam had one too.

On a Clear Day You Can See For Miles Written for the summer_sam_love  celebration: Sam's wall has come down and he can't tell what's real and what isn't. Dean and Bobby care for him while Castiel watches from afar, useless despite his God-like status. Crowley wants revenge for Castiel's betrayal and one night, Sam gets away from Dean's watch. Unprotected, ill, and tormented by his instability, Sam makes a perfect substitute for Crowley's wrath. Castiel must decide if he will intervene, despite the strained relationship between he and the Winchesters. (Spoilers for 6.22)

The Many Deaths of the Winchester Brothers Sam is in Hell and Dean is in Michigan, which is kind've like Hell when your brother is dead and you're too drunk to properly kill yourself.

He Tore Its Chords Asunder It's bad when they separate. It's worse when they don't get a choice about it.

The Lucky Ones: Dean always thought John Winchester was the lucky one.

The Hours: Trapped in a collapsed mine, an injured Sam struggles with Hellucinations while a slightly-less-injured Dean struggles with being unable to do anything about it.

Haven: Season 7 AU where Dick wins. "Every window in Alcatraz has a view of San Francisco."

11 Days: AU coda to The Born Again Identity. Cas is awesome. Dean is angry. Sam is...in bad shape

Siberia: When stuffing an angel inside your dying brother backfires. (Season 9 spoilers)

The Grandfather's Paradox: Comment-fic for over at ohsam, Henry Winchester witnesses Dean take care of a Sam who thinks he's still in Hell.

The Other Brother 'Verse

Sam and Adam are pulled from Hell at the same time. They look for Dean. They find Dean. They cope.

The Other Brother: Written for the ohsam comment-fic meme. Post-Swan Song AU. Sam and Adam are pulled from the Cage at the same time. Sam is Not Okay and Adam has had enough of this shit. He's going to find Dean and leave Sam with him. Yes he is. He is so DONE with the Winchesters and Sam is a total headcase btw. Adam did his time. Yup. Dean can take care of his precious little brother. Adam doesn't care. Nope. Not a bit. Not one iota. Not even a little...dammit. Breaking up is hard to do.

The Other Brother Christmas Special A few months after the events of The Other Brother, it's Christmas. Dean bakes cookies. Adam gets drunk. Sam drops a bombshell.

The Lost Summer Trilogy

An extended coda to 6.22: Dean's drinking is spiraling out of control. Wracked with hell-trauma, Sam is barely functional. Bobby is at a loss for what to do. And Castiel? He's staying out of this mess.

...and God Has Turned his Back
Legos We Have Known
Everyday Use

For Keeps 'verse

AU curtain!fic in which Sam's wall comes down and the boys stop hunting. They move in with Bobby, take over the Singer family scrap business, and things aren't great...but they're okay.

For Keeps 'verse Master Post

you're confusing reality with fandom aga, sammich, fandom, fic, supernatural, writing, yes please moar, pimping

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