Aug 06, 2009 06:56

I will write the full report later, but I would like to say that I took my players for a ride. I got them so good I couldn't help but tell them after they left the town they were in. They will find out in character later the depth of which they stepped in the proverbial shit, but for now. I will simply bask in the awesome that is my hoodwinking. The best part is at the culmination of the coup the bad guys were trying to get them to spear head the bard says "well it had to be you unless there is a doppelganger running about" The evil shape shifter was 10 feet from him and a trusted ally. Oh the sweet sweet joy of the unfolding story. I now see why other gms do it.


p.s. favorite role playing book quote "rules are not sacred. Principals are"
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