May 09, 2010 19:26
this is what happens when Ketita tries to write birthday fic:
1k: I have a cute little plotbunny, very small and not complicated. I will write this, and I will be happy, and the Recipient will be happy, and all is happy.
2k: just polishing off corners, not to worry!
3k: look, the idea needs a LITTLE development, just so it's not totally unrealistic, right? Gotta at least hint at some backstory.
4k: fic needs conclusion, okay? You can't just rush at the ending willy-nilly.
5k: oh wait, what's everybody else doing? Gotta at least hint at that, you know, otherwise it'll look like I'm ignoring all the characters.
6k: okay, but how would it AFFECT everybody else? this matters!
7k: I need to tie up storylines!
8k: look at the pretty theme! and the plot is making a beautiful cycle here~~ it's forcing them to face similar situations, only contrasting them and....
9k: seriously, I gotta finish this. what the hell is going on here?!
10k: T______________T oh crap