The History of Scarn - Part 18

Jul 27, 2009 16:24


The Empires of Ghelspad

There have been eons of empires upon the continent of Ghelspad. Seek out the oldest recorded civilization, and you will find that they considered themselves to be inheritors of yet another more ancient one. The history of the most ancient empires is nebulous; it’s not even clear when they existed in relation to each other. There is evidence of several large civilizations to have a significant control of the content at some point in history. There is enough support through archeology, art, folk tales, artifacts, written histories, and magical divination to support the existence of the following civilizations:

The Dragon Kingdoms

At some point in the far past, Ghelspad was home to the mighty dragon-lords. These should not be confused with the titanic constructs known as wrack dragons, mere mockeries of the True Dragons that once ruled the land. These mighty and monstrous creatures ruled over the tribal humans and other beings beneath them. It is thought that these kingdoms eventually fell when the dragon slayers arose and slew their rulers, but as there were no cities or indeed written language yet, little is known. It may have also been that the Titans themselves overthrew these majestic creatures.

The Dwarven Imperium

At one time, a mighty empire that we now refer to as the Dwarven Imperium spread across the mountain ranges of Ghelspad, ruled from within impenetrable citadels deep in the core of the earth. While initially separate citadels, they were eventually unified under the rule of the dwarven hero Goran. It is unclear if this is the same individual who now resides as the god of the dwarves. It is thought that the Imperium caught the notice of Kadum, who either sent monsters to destroy them, or shifted the mountains himself, crushing the citadels beneath.

The Ancients

Some sages theorize that this civilization was the first and mightiest of any human civilization, which spread across most of northeast Ghelspad. Evidence of the Ancients exists with the rune scribed pillars found throughout the Plains of Lede and surrounding areas. It is still unclear what caused this civilization to fall.

The Asaatthi Empire

The most ancient empire that can be verifiably identified from its architecture and written records is the Empire of the Scaled Mother, an asaatthi Empire dedicated entirely to the titan Mormo. Asaatthi prefer warm climates, and their empire spread throughout the southern half of the content, although the climate of those areas was extremely different than it is today. Back then, Scarn was a warmer, wetter land. What lead to the Empire’s downfall is unknown, but scholars speculate it had something to do with humans, which would explain the serpent men’s hatred to the race.

The Virgin Woods of Denev

Exactly when the great elven nation now known as Vera-Tre came into existence is unknown, save perhaps to the lore keepers of the elves. What is known is that in nearly every era after that of the asaatthi, mention of the elves in the Ganjus forest has been present. Mostly it was considered a fey nation intent on keeping others out of its lands.

The Empire of the Flame

After the fall of the Asaatthi Empire, a great empire of humans rose in the place now known as the Sweltering Plains, in the south west corner of the continent. The empire was lead by fire wielding adepts who worshiped the titan Thulkas, the Fire Lord. The lore of this empire was recorded on large brass tablets that have been discovered in the ruins of the area.

The Slarecian Empire

The exact dates of the rise and fall of the Slarecian Empire are unknown, but the mark it made on the history of Ghelspad is clear. The empire of these mysterious beings was subterranean, running beneath the entire continent. They were known as The Ancient Ones, and held sway over many surface settlements. There is evidence that the slarecians created treaties with surface kingdoms, demanding tribute of slaves in return for being left unharmed. Only the combined might of both the gods and titans was enough to eventually overthrow the slarecian threat.

The Empire of Lede

The Empire of Lede sprang from the northwestern plains, initially centered on the city of Aurimar. The OC calendar bases its start on the founding of the empire. Much is known about the Empire of Lede, as many of the records still remain, including the lineage of its rulers and dates for major events. Over time, the empire spread from the eastern to the western seas. At its height, only small pockets of land were not controlled by the empire, of which primarily included the Great Wilds in the southwest. Even Vera-Tre was considered a Ledean protectorate, although it is clear they were in truth still entirely independent.

At its height, the empire primarily consisted of ten large provinces that stretched across Ghelspad. Many of these provinces became the kingdoms we know today. For example, the region of Calastia was formally the Ledean province of Calas, and the land of Darakeene was once the Dara province.

Twelve different dynasties ruled the empire from its rise and fall over three thousand years. Eventually, the empire fell to internal struggles and decadence, and the rebellion and break away of outlying provinces. In the end, only the city Aurimar remained, which was eventually taken over by Albadian barbarians.

The Charduni Empire

After the fall of Lede, an army marched out of the Goblin Lands, the peninsula on the western coast of Ghelspad beyond the Ukrudan Desert. It was made up of strange dark-skinned dwarves, that it was later discovered came from the far continent of Termana.  These Charduni dwarves were the favored of the god Chardun. Their military might crossed most of Ghelspad like a tidal wave, and in only a few short years they conquered the west. The southern nations of Calastia and Lageni joined with them, as they were already followers of Chardun, and helped secure the south. Only the lands to the north and east, beyond the Keldar mountains, remained untouched. The Charduni were unable to enter the Ganjus forest, get past the dwarves of Burok Torn, beyond the Canyon of Souls, or reach the worshipers of Madriel in the new lands of Durrover. All else in Ghelspad they ruled.

For many years the Charduni dominated the majority of Ghelspad.  While many chaffed under totalitarian their rule, as they demanded slaves and tribute, they also kept people safe and prosperous, protected from the titan spawn and barbarians that rampaged across the land. They might have ruled for millennia, save for the event that changed the face of Scarn forever, The Divine War.


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