Feb 27, 2011 14:00

SepAration of the English language which is used to manipulate ancient text is in the letters U&I. Ancients had no words for Individuals. -- Partially correct.  But the split was more complex than you make it.

A - prime Creator, initial undivided state

E - all things material, external, the first separated state

I - all things internal (illusion), consciousness separated from A by E

O - all things in waters/dimensions, disembodied (lost) spirits

U - all things in the underworld, farthest separated from prime Creator

The proper separation is prime Creator from itself, and then there are internal divisions, including the separation of U and I.  Actually, the ancients, and some currently spoken languages used constructions such as "I and I" to mean "we" indicating not only self-awareness, but also awareness of the *I*dentity of the two beings despite their separation.

The Whole was always considered--(holy-bible translates into "Text of holes"). -- Partially correct.

The whole, as well as it could be perceived or imagined, was better respected in ancient times than it is now.  Holy may acceptably be transliterated as Whole-y (like unto the whole) or Wholly (entirely).  I will assume that your use of "holes" above is actually a typo, although in Hebrew, much was made of the letters with holes in their centers, and how the holes "miraculously supported themselves."  That discussion is deep and beyond the scope of this reply.

You hate others wealth while worrying of your own? Isn't that the "False-Profit" you seek? -- I don't have a clue how you can judge "me" or any of the other moderators of this site in this manner.  You do not know us.  I invite you to use a bit more discernment before making blanket statements from an uninformed position.

THE letter jJ puts u-befor-I. -- Incorrect.

The letter J evolved from the letter I/Yod, not the letter U.  I comes before J in the English alphabet.  J is not common in other alphabets, rather Y is used.

E satnds for everything. -- Incorrect - too abbreviated, see above.  E is still A, but separated from the identity condition.

A stands for the 1st and ALL r=. - Essentially correct, if somewhat imprecisely stated.  If you substitute PI for r= , based on your later equivalency statement, you produce a malformed set designation, A^(initial) U(nion) E(PI).  Be careful.  This is a mathematically based creation.  The concept of PI is too limited, as what is needed here is a transdimensional irrational number, similar to PI, but human mathematics does not yet include this concept.  PI is far too limited.

Hence the Three lines (trinity)which r split equally by a smaller line A. -- I have no idea what you are trying to say here.

Jesus Christ translates "King of mans suffering" -- Jesus follows the ancient formula of the "dying god" as sacrifice was part of his manifestation.  That is not a translation, rather it is a characterization.

and Lucifer-(the light a.k.a. Truth). as "Prince of Darkness". -- Partially correct.  Lucifer means lightbringer, and is typically associated with the morningstar or the planet Venus.  I will remind you that Lucifer came into being before Jesus and that the Bible clearly states that Darkness existed before Light (as evidenced by God's command "let there be Light.")  Lucifer is classified as a Deceiver, the opposite of Truth, but as we know, by perceiving a lie, we sometimes can identify the greater truth...still, I cannot associate Lucifer with Truth in the manner of a.k.a. - the mental twists and turns to get there are too many to represent an equivalency.

Aren't princes future Kings? -- Not necessarily, in such systems there is always a hierarchy of heirs, and not all princes become kings.  As if the concept of hereditary kingship (or kingship at all) wasn't completely obsolete by now.

They separate Truth&Suffering while speaking of the fact that "Gods light" will be hated by most men. -- Actually, Jesus said that he brought us a sword.  I don't think God's light is hated by most men, I think most either choose to interpret it for their own ends or ignore it entirely.  Even Satanists I have known find this Light useful and are happy to hijack it for their purposes.  Now you wrote "Gods" instead of "God's" so in case that was not a typo, I will point to the Elohim, "gods" plural, and the ET races that visited this planet.  Their "light" was not so pure as Creator Source's, and did bring both truth (in a very confused, backhanded way) and suffering (in a much more straightforward way).  I am curious who you mean by "they" in this sentence.  A complete answer cannot be given until that is defined.

Until he awakens from darkness and merges truth into suffering Becoming King of MAN. -- Mankind *IS* the "he" who must awaken from darkness (ignorance, delusion) to become Sovereign.  Change the terminology to the modern form, or you will repeat the mistakes of the past.  The concept of suffering particularly needs to change. Again, too deep for the purpose of this reply.

If there is NO creator who are Parents? -- Mankind has had many parents, all of whom were themselves descended from Source.  Who made the clay?  A few races out there can make clay, and those stand at the threshold of becoming Co-Creators.  They may not step through that doorway until everyone is ready to be a Co-Creator, as Source needs an equal, not a partial.  This Universe operates under absolute conservation principles.

God lives and creates in all of us. -- True.

The AMBIGRAM for my name is "IlluminatI-also reads-KING OF MEN-WHEN FLIPPED INSIDE OUT AND BACKWARDS IT READS-THE WORDMASTER -- I am not familiar with that ambigram thing.  I am familiar with Gematria and the Atbach and Atbash methods of word transposition and inversion.  I find it somewhat worrying that if you did in fact discover these attributes hidden within yourself, that you would reveal it so easily.  The true tzaddikim keep their robes on from modesty except when alone with Source.

The lyeing SNAKE or SERPANT always represented by the letter S.S is same upside down but changes direction of word when flipped inside out. -- The letter attribution is correct, and you will note that it is also the root of the Swastika (from Sanskrit), and it has sacred meaning in both positive and negative appearances.  It is not associated with lying except in the Bible, in a story I believe was co-opted due to a conflict between factions of Elohim (Anunaki), which had its root in a conflict with an extradimensional Serpent race, the Naga, in which the “liars” were actually the Elohim.  Again, too deep.

Jesus Christ will ASCEND HEAVEN. MAN RISES FROM SUFFERING INTO THE LIGHT...We learn Truth and flourish. -- WE ALL ARE JESUS CHRIST.  We all ascend together.  We all will have Truth revealed, if we do not already have it.  There are those who can stand in that light, and there are those who will see themselves in it as they truly are and "be ashamed" - realize that they still have much to learn, and those will choose to return to their lessons.  Those who stand will go on to new things.

HeaveN & Hell are both ANIGRAMS MEANING THE SAME THING!!! -- The human concepts of these things are corrupted and out of alignment.  There is only Source.  What makes it heaven or hell is individual perspective.  "One man's trash is another man's treasure; one man's pain is another man's pleasure."

Your worried of a "FALSE PROFIT" -- *I* personally, and many of those I know, are categorically *not* worried about any false "profits" (of whatever spelling or innuendo).  We know they exist, have always existed, and serve a purpose as negative instructors.  Those who have discernment can avoid them, and it is our Sovereign responsibility to do so and to show others the positive light of the negative instructions. "For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God's chosen ones... For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man... As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of... the Son of Man." - from Matthew Ch. 24  In the days of Noah, what came was a fish (Ea/Enki), not a bull (Enlil/Jehovah).

LOOK AT your $ money in mind body and spirit! -- None, literally NONE, of the civilized races (ETs) use money.  Money is a part of the Control System left on Earth to manage a slave population.  Forget money; use it as you would use any dangerous but necessary tool until a healthy economic system can be put into place.

Deal with the Devil. Trading I for Everything and ALL. Devil = lived ,delove=evolved, sepAration=accept a ration. -- This is a glyph of slavery and I repudiate it.  My "dealings" are with Creator Source, for and through whom I manifest Sovereign identity.

'FALSE PROFIT' preached by mouth of man. The Vatican is the most secret LIBRARY in the world. -- True on the face of it.

Angels & Demons make a little more sense now?  -- I have friends in both realms.  Like people, some are nice and some are nasty.  Until one understands that we all - angel, demon, human, ET, whatever - come from and are a part of Source, "sense" is meaningless.  There's only one truth, and that is LOVE.

The r= is the symbol for PI. -- The Creation is a type of multidimensional Turing machine founded on very simple principles.  The machine has run for many cycles and produced essentially infinite diversity.  Next...

Prophecy also says man will become self aware 2/17/2011 add those numbers up to 2012. -- There are so many prophecies and so many dates, to me they are essentially meaningless.  Each comes to it in their own perfect time.

A pac o lypse A truth of lies -- A pack of lips...flapping meat puppet lips spreading fear to support the Control System.  Next....

A R Me GeDON- ALL ARE MY GARDEN. -- What does one do in a garden?  Prepare, sow, nurture, be nurtured in return, reap, restore, rest, repeat.  It's a cycle.


IKINGUJOSHUA -- I, KINGU, JOSHUA - I invite you to learn about KINGU and JOSHUA to a deeper degree if you do not already possess good information.   You realize that you are (from my perspective, appropriately), identifying Joshua, another name for Jesus with Kingu, a member of the Serpent race that the Anunaki almost completely annihilated.  You, probably without realizing it, have waded into a very deep and old mess.  Be careful what you associate with yourself in identity (taking an identity separate from Source is inviting a lesson) lest you deceive even yourself.


I KING, U JOSHUA-- I'll leave you to delve into that one and determine its true meaning.


Afterword:  This is hardly the first time I have encountered this particular type of communication, although it is a very good example.  It appears to stem from a meme arising in the Black community as its members are transiting the Ascension process, and it appears that they have a unique set of emerging truths and also a unique set of deceptions to work through.  This presents an opportunity to merge and enrich our experiences, casting aside yet another division artificially imposed upon us by the Control System - race, apparently, was incorporated into the Babel Project more deeply that I realized and as such, this coming together could heal many wounds to the collective psyche.

iKINGuJOSHUA, are you - and your friends, as you are apparently working with this material with a group of others - up for some real barrier breaking?  If so, I am keter.magick on Skype and on gmail and you are welcome to contact me either place.

babel, kingu, naga, anunaki

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