Must read: NWO agenda exposed, source also mentions Bubba/Reptilians and Enki/volunteer council:
"And my own understanding is that there's some sort of malevolent ET alliance at work for 50 years by the UK and US and other Western powers, and this includes Japan.
And, again, when we talk about a malevolent ET alliance that's in the context of black projects, and this is an exchange of technologies that's been going on for some considerable time. So there is an involvement there, and that involvement I can't fully explain myself.
And I also understand that there are more humanitarian and altruistic ET entities working against this timeline and are somehow maintaining a precarious balance without taking any direct intervention themselves."
It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings, folks. Dig in where you are (or will be in the next few weeks if you are subject to a last-moment relocation -- if so, this is already in the works) - and whatever you are asked, motivated, or told to do by "authority" - DO ANYTHING ELSE. This does not require opposition...very quiet noncompliance is often far more effective and may put you in a superior strategic position later on.
It could just be coincidence, but while I was posting this, the YouTube video showed up as taken down (it had been up earlier). It seems to be back at this point. I have captured the transcripts just in case.
Here is a narrator's transcript. Also, it has come to my attention that the "transcripts" aren't quite what I would call transcripts of the actual videos.
Video Links:
pt 1... pt 2... pt 3... pt 4... pt 5... pt 6...