Opening Salvo

Dec 10, 2009 04:32

"Of the whole incident, what matters is that I had to go before the Great Council and remake the deal - without Enri - to let the people of Earth manage their own rehabilitation. Thank God they were sympathetic." - Enensi Keter Tzal, reporting to the Bibir An-ki'ama-argi (Holy Earth-mother (Ama) Restoration Taskforce - HEaRT)

The rules of engagement for the Anunaki restoration mission to Earth require that any changes in the leadership of the team be reported promptly to the Council, and that such would trigger a rechartering of the mission.

Shortly after the rechartering, there was a display over Tromso, Norway. I have a history there, believe it or not - indirectly, through a long-term SO who worked there as a project scientist for a year, and immediately upon return ran off with my former best friend and all of my property. Does Bubba sense weakness? He must. Was this a slap directly at me since he no doubt knows of my history? Possibly.

I'm going to take all of that hurt and visit it on Bubba's head. I have a vast untapped reservoir of cruelty, unlovingly gifted to me through lifetime after lifetime of abuse. Am I alone enough to stop him? Honey, I could stop God Almighty with this pain. And when I get done with Bubba, He had better hope I am in a better mood.

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