Cursos Internacionales Graduation

Sep 22, 2013 23:28

Since I mentioned getting a random night off I wanna do something productive instead of vegging out marathoning Netflix. SO HERE'S MORE SPAIN PICTURES LOL A YEAR LATER. Whatevs. I might post a more current set soon to balance it, I just have to look at what I've been shooting lately since I'm lazy.

Anyway this was one of the last days on the trip. We had a graduation ceremony and this was the reception after, plus a few photos I took on the way back OF THIS AWFUL STREET PERFORMER LOL. I DON'T KNOW WHY I DECIDED I NEEDED EVIDENCE OF HIM BECAUSE I REALLY DIDN'T. I JUST NEED OTHER PEOPLE TO SUFFER WITH ME LOL. And then there are a couple pictures from an Argentinian restaurant we went to that night.

There had been a photography contest for all the CI students and I entered it like because obviously. I submitted this and this, except SOOC cause that was part of the rules. I mean I didn't edit them heavily or anything but those are the versions that exist on the web so that's what you get haha. BUT THEN I DIDN'T WIN. =( I mean I wasn't all butthurt and self-righteous about it or anything but the photos that won were like. Awful. So I felt a little insulted lol. But it was whatever, I didn't really care, but then everyone else in my group, even the stupid girls that I didn't hang out with, were all deeply offended on my behalf and everyone came to me with their condolences LOL. The hung all the photos entered at the reception and I have a couple pictures of that too. There's a picture of these two people who were pointing and discussing my photos but I couldn't hear what they were saying/rapid español lol. But that was that. It's all good.

Suffolk also held a photography contest for all the study abroad students--all the other trips, too, not just Spain--but I didn't win that eitherrrrrr. My Spanish professor was convinced that I didn't win because the study abroad director has a personal problem with her. THE GUY IS KIND OF A PRICK TO BE HONEST. I talked about him once here lol. In the first part of the entry haha; the second part was about my stalker.

You know what else? I don't know if I ever wrote an entry about this. There was another awkward incident I had with this guy at one of the Spain meetings before we left. First of all, let's make it more awkward by the fact that I was like the only person there who was alone and didn't have one or both parents with me lol. But he was mentioning that some people still had an unpaid balance and he was calling random people up to give them paperwork and stuff. So then he calls ME up, and I immediately was like panicking because I was like I THINK I PAID EVERYTHING, OMG, WHAT HAPPENED, FUCK OMG. And I got really fucking nervous and went up there all shyly and stuff.

THEN before I even knew what was going on, he just starts making a speech about how I was the winner of the scholarship contest and he just presented it to me on the spot in front of everyone. Omg. I was like terrified lol. And like I'd already known I'd won the scholarship but it was just so unceremonious how he presented it to me and just like showed me off in front of, literally, everyone and their moms.

The best part about it was that a week or two into the trip once I was starting to get to know Brendan, we were talking about how this one kid on the trip was really butthurt that I won the scholarship over him, especially cause he was a creepy misogynist lol. Brendan was like "Oh man, it was so awkward when he presented that scholarship to you, too, it was like cringeworthy, you were so obviously not expecting it." LOL. I was like LOL THANKS I'M GLAD EVERYONE ELSE COULD TELL HOW UNCOMFORTABLE IT WAS.

haha it makes me laugh every time I think about it. I love Brendan.

Anyway here's pictures.

Andrea wanted a picture with Mike & Sebastian but she's like half their height LOL. So we took a million and it was hilarious. Even though these guys were usually really fucking obnoxious and embarrassing to be seen with in public, every now and then they'd wear me down and I'd find them really funny. I just would've appreciated if they'd chosen the right times and places to be funny instead of making complete assholes out of us as a group every time we went on a tour.

So here's that street performer. Wash my eyes with bleach, it was so awful. =( I'M GONNA MAKE YOU WATCH IT, SHARE MY PAIN.

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And here's another thing of Celeste trying to learn how to use the FUNNY CAT NOISEMAKER THING. We kept hearing these around the city during the festival and finally just bought some. I got one too LOL I was like THIS IS SOME CUTTING EDGE NOISE MAKER SHIT, NO ONE IN THE US WILL KNOW WHAT HIT EM. And then when I came home I proceeded to fuck with everyone with it for the rest of the summer haha.

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