Jul 22, 2008 14:27
Dear (every customer who comes in with a fax),
I need to tell you how a fax machine works.
A fax machine is not a magical device that teleports your crumpled up, stapled documents from one place to another. If you bring in a pile of 36 pieces of crumpled/torn/partially-stapled paper of varying sizes, I will not be able to fax these papers until I copy them in a copy machine. If you get mad at me for asking you if this is ok, you are a moron. Also, if you get impatient because I have to manually copy your entire packet instead of using the feeder because of the decrepit state of your papers, you are a douche-bagel.
And one more thing. Electronic fax machine technology has not significantly improved since the mid-1970s. You should not be surprised when it takes a long time to fax 30 sheets of paper. It's a phone line, by the way. You can try just calling a fax machine with your cell phone if you want and just yell out 1s and 0s. Here's a hint: 1 = black ink, 0 = no black ink
Thank you.