Amnesia [open]

Mar 09, 2013 10:36

Who: Marcello & ? [open!]
Where: Josephine Central Hospital
When: Friday afternoon
What: Marcello gets pegged by a truck bumper and now has amnesia 'cause why not.
Note: Italian in italics because I'm lazy.

"I've finally found a translator for you, son." The chief of medicine said rather smugly, as if he had actually been the one to search the building high and low to finally find that the only Italian-speaker that day had been one of the cafeteria lunch ladies. They sent her in and she exchanged slightly-confused glances with the young man in the hospital bed.

"Ask him if he's in any pain or feels anything unusual." Dr. Nelson ordered. She translated.

Marcello rubbed the bump on his head where the bandage had been wrapped, but shook his head.

"Alright. Good, good." Dr.Nelson said, folding his arms in from of him with a nod. "Now try to get as much information as you can from him. We didn't find a driver's license with his things, so be thorough."

The lunch lady came closer and sat beside the man in the closest chair. "Can you tell me," She began. "Do you live around here? Do you know your address?"

Marcello thought for a minute. "I don't know."

The woman looked confused, but continued. "Do you have any relatives we can contact?"

Another pause. "I don't know."

"Well," She said, "Can you at least tell us your name?"

His eyes welled up and his voice began to break. "I don't know." He was starting to understand the predicament he was in, and it scared him.

"What's wrong?" The doctor asked.

"He doesn't remember anything." She replied.

"You don't say." The doctor mused lightly, shoving his hands in his pockets. "That was quite a bump in the head, then. We haven't had a case of amnesia in what - ten years?"

Marcello kept looking back and forth between the woman and the doctor, trying desperately to figure out what he was saying. After a while, they both simply walked out with only a murmured goodbye and slight wave from the chief of medicine.


Later that day, they went through all the contacts in the man's cell phone (there were only a few) and left the following message.

"Hello. I'm calling on behalf Josephine Central Hospital. We have a patient here who's suffered a slight automobile injury on the north side of town. He's fine, but we're unable to identify him. He only seems to understand a little bit of English. Your number was found on his phone, so we're hoping you could come down here and give us any information you have. And also, due to the recent flu outbreak here in the hospital it would be best if we could find someone to take him home and keep an eye on him so that he doesn't catch the virus. Thank you."

The concern for his health was a bit of a white lie, of course. The brunette didn't have any health insurance and they needed the beds.


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