[Action Post: Valentine's Day]

Feb 14, 2013 20:16

Another holiday was passing him by. Darn! It was such a shame that the flower shop wasn't running in time for Valentine's Day. He recalled how booming business had been last time around. Oh well. At least the upstairs apartment was practically ready.

He flopped around the house lazily as the others were out somewhere, probably celebrating the occasion. His mind wandered and traced back to the Valentine's Ball and who he had spent it with and... gah, he shouldn't be moping but it was hard with so many reminders lingering about. He rolled over to the foot of his bed, looked at Jelly the stuffed mule and gave it a soft squeeze.

This was silly! He sat up and paced around - never was one for being cooped up indoors - until he found himself crafting away at the kitchen table. There was someone who had been on his mind a lot, now that he thought about it, maybe today was the day to man up and - ARGH! But how could this possibly be considered manly?! What to do? What to do?!!

Argh, forget it! Or... not?

After plenty of awkward floundering he found himself outside one particular Norwegian's apartment. The Seborgan placed a small envelope in the mailbox, turned on his heels and then then ran like hell.

[ ps: He drew the peacock himself because funny animals ok. ]

!post type: action post, norway, valentine's day, holiday, ooc, seborga

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