Jun 18, 2005 01:42
And the anchorperson on TV, goes La-tida-tida-tididdydiddy-da.
Well, generally I like to keep lj largely pointless and meandering, but through the excessive effort of some of my teammates, xanga is longer of any realy use to me, so i'm going to be putting real thoughts on here. Yeah. Shocker, after the couple of months of random bull, neh?
Girl situation is somewhat confusing and painful. Be sweet just to bottle it up and remove any sort of impact on my life except for when I want to be able to feel, but I really just can't. And while this may work out to my favor in the long run (as my demons are basically all that keep me running) and who knows, maybe she won't be swept off her feet by some -radio edit- hallrat.
Or I could basically be stretching out breaking up over a very long time. Which really isn't my bag; I'd much rather take a good solid blow and be done with it. However, hope springs eternal, so I'm holding out for now. On the downside, half of my music collection (okay, so more like just a quarter) has some sort of mental attachment to it, so that may get wearing. It's great, but at the same time sorta sucks, that I can't just bottle the emotion up and shunt it aside, however, this is somewhat wierd for me too; I'm not too big on feeling.
Now I really need Bittersweet Symphony. Damnable emotion. Or damnable suppression of them that makes them come through that much stronger on the rare occasion that they actually can surface. Amazing how much can be said between two people who both aren't really that much into talking, yet how much can go unsaid. And of that which is muted, what can still be communicated while other things just hang in silence due to an inability to work words. I occasionally regret not doing the english language so well, but it's only really times like this that get to me.
Meh, now to my rack, as I have a bike ride to make in the morning. I'm not sure if I'll continue to be updating much, as I go to San Diego next weekend, but I'll try. Maybe, if I'm really good, I'll have friends on LJ too. Wow. Good to see some bitterness is still lurking despite allowing emotion and its thought to come through. ...mmm, personalities with all their own input; why I have internal forums, rather than monologues.
Sing with me, just for today
i'm okay, trust me.