Nov 08, 2005 01:44
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
a ll work and no play makes jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
all wrk and no play makes jack a dull boy
all work and n play makes jack a dull boy
all work and no playmakes jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
all work and no play mkes jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
all workand no play makes jack a dull boy
all work and no play makes jck a dull boy
...right, enough of that. i have a dilemna, it is approaching 2, and i have a short list of things to do, one is sleep, but due to a massive cocktail of;
1)caffeine (about 5 times dose of pro plus-very necessary, and espresso's by the mug full, seriously strong)
2)Steroids and adrenalin shots (petrified of needles, but also petrified of dying, and had to take a shot earlier, could hardly breathe, so i am getting massive adrenalin highs and lows, not sure why though)
3)Tramadol Hydrochloride (recommend to anyone, its like getting really really drunk, ideas swill about the mind, except you can keep hold of them, plus you have absolutely no sense of pain, or much touch either)
and 4)Cetirizine (side effect-yep you guessed it-high state of allertedness and insomnia)
i am, quite understandably unable to sleep.
right, getting back, i have a 1,000 word essay to write for 2moz (well today) before 12 noon. okay, so its only 1,000 words, easy peasy i hear you say... ...NO! i have produced almost 50,000 words of notes on the comp, plus about 20 pages of hand written notes, also got another couple of sources to read. now, where do you start to condense that ammount into only 1,000 words? so i have decided to start afresh, with only 10 hours to go till deadline, plus i have seminar work to do by 10, and a lecture and seminar to go to first thing. i dont know where to start, i know my head is about to split and that i am aching all over, but just cant feel it, i know this because my body will not do certain things atm, like stand straight, stretch or respond very quickly without massive tremors, and also every joint clicks when i move, it is seriously weird, even as i type, when i move the joint it clicks, imagine 30 joints clicking all at once, it sounds like a mini army of chipmunks.
well, when you're short of time, why do you head to livejournal? ...i dont know, because i am on a chemically induced high, and couldn't care less about the reasoning behind actions. well, i have now managed to waste another half hour, and you have managed to waste maybe 4 minutes reading it, so ner, i dont give refunds so u'r not getting them minutes back :P
oh also i am getting worried about the ammount of phrases i say that remind me of Holden Caulfield, and also i am getting more and more comments on how deep my voice is, i had one guy, while in the lift at about 3 in the morning say that i had 'spiritual energy in my voice' and that its 'deep, sensual and commanding', all i said to the guy was 'second please' after he asked me wot floor i was on, LMAO!
cya guys!