i am very very bored, and also hot and bothered

Jun 19, 2005 19:34

i am going to create a definitive list for the uses of gaffer tape. if i reach 101 then i will write a book, lets see if we can get to 1001, anyone out there please add to my list.
i have a piece of advice for those that love the many useful properties of gaffer tape but dont like carrying rolls of it around, because a) people will think your a pervert, and b) it makes a rather unusual bulge in your trousers that makes people give you funny looks. if you take a few metres of gaffer and wrap it round an old credit card, or any card, it stays flat in your pocket and its ready for use whenever you need it :D

1. making a wallet
1. b. use it to repair said wallet, or other gaffer tape items
2. belt for jeans
3. repairing a split condom
4. make a bra
5. make some space age underwear
6. pretend astronauts suit
7. pretend spaceship for said atronauts suit
8. repairing books
9. making really big signs to attract people's attention
10. taping up annoying actors and actresses
11. shutting people up
12. use for repairing gaping wounds
13. sling for broken arm
14. in conjunction with a stick, use for making a splint for said broken arm
15. cover up hard nipples when wearing a tight top on a cold morning
16. use in place of toupee glue
17. use to bodge electrical fixings
18. repair damaged paddling pool
19. repair inflatable toys for said paddling pool
20. use for waxing
21. put roundvarious items to aid holding them in your mouth when short of hands (torches....)
22. use in place of a childs pen, or dog kennel
23. cover windows so people inside think its night and go back to sleep
24. use inside noisy pianos
25. when planning to get rat-arsed gaffer yourself to the chair, or standing next to a wall to prevent embarrassment from falling over
26. when rat-arsed gaffer your hand onto your pint glass to prevent dropping it
27. roll it sticky side out around your hand and use to remove lint from clothing
27. b. roll it sticky side out around you hand and use it to remove peoples eye-brows and/or eyelashes :D
28. use to cover a hole where a tooth is missing
29. use as a gumshield when playing sports
30. use on head for a helmet, (if in a crash and hole forms see use 12, 1.b)
31. restraining people when in a fight and there isnt enough people to prevent them fighting
32. use to alter numberplate temporarily when out speeding
33. cheap plug hole
34. tape yourself to the seat while flying (i mean, come off it, who really trusts them silly seat belts that 5 yr olds can get out of?)
35. cheap tampax
36. use to tape stuff to the roof of the car, no roof-rack needed!
37. "Gaffer tape you call it, ha! A light side it has, ha! A dark side it has, holds the universe together it does" (yoda)
38. cheap fly paper for use in intercepting ant trails, functional and very, very amusing
39. use on underside of cups to prevent them sliding around when on a boat, or plane, or slope
40. use to create a cup holder in almost any situation; car, bike, in the pretend spaceship, or up a mountain
41. use when repairing inter-universal portals, careful not to use the dark gaffer as it can cause offense to some beings
42. when out camping and someone is complaining of blisters due to inadequate footwear, either make some shoes out of it, place inside shoes to stop rubbing, or tape them to the nearest tree, cover their mouths and threaten to leave them there unless they stop whining
43. use when lighting fires, trust me it burns light an oily rag, camp fire in no time
44. who wants fuzzy hamsters? lets have shiny hamsters!!!!
45. it is actually possible to tape someone to the ceiling, difficult tho, so i say turn a table over, tape them to the underside, and flip it over, then put the table somewhere unpleasant, like in a nudist colony's board room
46. use for repairing hull breaches on star ships when the bulk of the engineering crew have been killed in a plasma explosion
47. put a little strip in car door locks, really hilarious, especially if the owner is grumpy, had a bad day and short-tempered
48. single strands of the thread can be used to make very realistic looking key scratches along cars, without causing any damage at all
49. wrap tightly round an egg and put in a microwave for a tasty snack, mwhahahaha (p.s. dont do this in a microwave you like, and stand well back.)
50. roll into balls with lengths trailing, set light to trailling piece and through, burns like napalm
51. use to hold micro fractures in warp cores to prevent a warp-core breach
52. use to help build a treehouse, even a hurricane will not make it fall out, but big fire risk, again, the tree will bun like a...napalm tree
53. build custom shaped and sizd hammocks, leave little gaps in it to keep cool

i've ran out for now, help me with lots more
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