So, Doctor Who... what did we think, children?
My general conclusion is that the time stream stuff was a bit silly, but I liked the idea of a TARDIS leaking insidey-ness and growing bigger. And I liked the various jokes in the first half, including the sleepy paper for Clara. Both 'deaths' were botched - Jenny's was imaginative and beautifully written, but spoiled by her revival, Clara's is plainly not a death at all. Also - John Hurt! Valeyard!
I was less taken by the Cybermen episode last week - though it had a few genuinely creepy moments before the CGI Cybermen were on the march, when we only had a few of them to worry about, and plenty of good lines and performances. Much better in its first half than its second, I think.
Finally, I need to see the Crimson Tide again. It struck me as funny, cruel and brilliant when I saw it in Nashville, but I was in the middle of drinking Merlot to excess with
revdorothyl at the time, and I may have overrrated it. When I tell you we were rolling on the sofa with laughter at three (or maybe four) back to back eps of the Big Bang Theory only a little later you can make your own judgement.
revdorothyl - thanks for the wine!