I should know better really..... and yet, from time to time, I feel it necessary to expose myself to the cultural wasteland that is the average Garden Centre.
They have nice flowers, admittedly, and this one had a pet's corner, so I got to admire guinea pigs and bunnies and multi-coloured mice. But I was also exposed to guinea pigs of another, sinister sort. The so-called ceramic 'pet for life', though I feel 'stone cold pet for death' is more accurate:
And do not speak to me of the penguins.
Tottering after the ceramic guinea pigs, I was next confronted by bunnies. I mean, lots of bunnies:
With big soulful (cold, dead) eyes:
And reeling away from that, I was confronted by a sea of chickens, chicks and ducklings:
So if you want a yellow duckling made of painted plaster, I can tell you where to go.