Physically, Firekeeper is of average height, with dark hair and eyes. She's kind of pale, with a number of scars criss-crossing her arms and legs- a product of her upbringing. She dresses in what her world considers men's clothing- a simple shirt, and leather trousers usually cut just below the knee. She also tends to avoid shoes or boots unless it's really cold- she's experienced too many winters with badly-prepared rabbit hides as her only protection to not see the value in a good pair of boots. Accessories she keeps to a minimum, usually just the pouch around her neck for the flint and steel that earned her her name, and her Fang, actually a small dagger with a cabochon cut garnet set in the hilt.
Firekeeper was raised by wolves. No, really. And not just any wolves- the Royal Wolves, who are stronger, smarter, and bigger than their "cousins". About two years ago, she was discovered by a small group of humans and decided to go back with them to the country of Hawk Haven. She's not as quick to trust as she was when she first encountered humans, but she's very, very loyal to those she considers "Pack". Her grammar's a bit unusual, given that she's only been speaking human languages for just shy of two years now. She sometimes has trouble with verb tenses (she often uses "speaked" instead of "spoke", for example) and tends to omit articles, finding them unneccessary in most cases to get her point across. When it's terribly important, she'll take great care to speak properly. Otherwise, she's quite used to having her grammar corrected by her friends, so don't hesitate to have your character do that.
Also? Not the world's biggest fan of magic or sorcery. This is a cultural thing that's got a lot to do with colonial politics, but it's basically one of the few things that the Royal Beasts and the people of Hawk Haven have in common.
Thanks to a minor magical talent, Firekeeper can speak to animals. This is pretty handy, considering the whole "raised by wolves" thing. Most animals seem pretty aware of the fact that she's a wolf in spirit if not body, and tend to act accordingly. If your character has a pet and you feel like having them have a conversation, that's totally cool. Likewise if you don't want her to talk to your character's pet, also cool.
Her senses might seem a little more keen than the average human's, but this is a result of training and developing them to the best of her ability rather than anything magic.
What's in a name?
Firekeeper, technically speaking, has about four names. Only two of them are actually relevant here, and those are Lady Blysse Norwood and, well, Firekeeper. Upon first introduction, she's probably going to give you her human name, Blysse. Firekeeper is her wolf name, the one she prefers her friends to call her. Little two-legs is her puppy name, and only Blind Seer knows about that one. There's also the name she was born with, Tamara Gardener, but seeing as she's only just found out for sure who her original human family was, it's not a name she'll be using in Fandom.
Unless your character happens to be blind (hi, Karal!), they're probably going to notice the huge wolf following Firekeeper around. This would be Blind Seer, so named because his eyes never changed from helpless-little-blind-puppy blue to the more usual amber brown, and yet his sight works perfectly fine. Blind Seer is roughly pony-sized, with his head reaching Firekeeper's chest (see icon!). He's not her pet- if anything, he's her brother, best friend, and there's this weird not-entirely-familial-love vibe that I try not to think too hard about. He also understands human language (and humans) better than Firekeeper does at times. He's even been learning to read a little, which is something she's yet to master. Blind Seer can't speak in any way that humans can generally understand, but he can communicate via simple gestures like nods and headshakes. He's also got your typical wolfy senses, which means his sense of smell allows him to pick up on things like a person's general mood- fear, for example, has a different smell than happiness- or he might be able to tell that a person's not as human as they claim to be (the first is something that might happen if your character mentions a mood/emotion in their narrative, the second would only be with your OOC permission).
When Firekeeper and Blind Seer talk, it'll be in quotes and italics. It's not telepathy, and it's not quite a spoken language either- it's a combination of sounds and gestures. Generally, it's not something that can really be overheard, in fact most people don't seem to be aware that there's a conversation going on at all. However, if your character happens to be... off the top of my head let's say pretty good at reading body language, or canonically able to understand any language, then talk to me and we'll figure something out. If your character's telepathic, they're welcome to pick up on the fact that her attention might seem to wander if she's talking to both your character and Blind Seer.
So that's my girl in a nutshell. A very big nutshell. A coconut.