Or at least, a small step for writerkind.
I have posted the first chapter (Prologue) of my in-process novel GATES at its home, Mirimsgate. (
If you are interested in writing and in sf/fantasy, please do feel free to wander over and read -- if you are willing to keep details confidential if/when it becomes a formally published novel, in whatever form. I would appreciate feedback -- I've been writing this bloody thing nine years now, and no longer have the perspective to tell if it's truly awful, somewhat awful, or brilliant -- I know there are other choices, but those are the only three I fixate on.
I will be posting the "appendices" for it as well; I've already posted a brainstorm I did concerning the world building of one world, before it dawned on me there might be spoilers and I better start posting the story itself. Please do friend me if you want to help out (yes, reading it counts as helping out! I need encouragement at this point, as well of course philologists, etymologists, world building questions, and opinions of my characters.)
I have also posted a summary which may be a spoiler for the first two chapters, but will not reveal anything after that.
Oh yes, one more thing: I have been informed that I am logging the ip of posters. Apparently this is a thing techies at least do not look kindly on. I will change that option as soon as Stray tells me how to.
And yet one more thing: GATES is almost completely written, from my point of view; I have a chapter left in the middle and a chapter on how Mirim's world became such a disaster. So unless I've made a horrible mistake, I will be tweaking (ie improving the writing, or trying to) but not doing anything else from scratch if I can avoid it. Suggestions for restructuring, sequels, prequels, etc. will all be entertained in the spirit such things are given, but major rethinking will be greeted with tears.