yuletide and fic roundup

Jan 01, 2008 16:34

Happy New Year and yuletide reveals! For yuletide I wrote Bagatelle, a Fire and Hemlock story about Polly and Tom after the book. I've always had huge problems with the ending and where it left us in regards to these two characters, so writing this was a challenge at first. But rewarding, too, because now I feel I *can* see how it might play out between them. I liked how it shaped up (after several rocky starts), and was pleasantly surprised by the comments.

I'm actually pretty happy with my 2007 story output. I didn't post (or write) anything at all for the first six months of it, and I'm not a prolific writer anyway, so I thought I made out pretty well.

In June I asked for story prompts, and got some awesome ones (most of which I didn't end up writing, which is too bad because they were really good, and they're still in the back of my mind to write one day). What I did write was:

The Diner at the End of the World for ravurian, who requested a SPN/DIR crossover about "Will Stanton and the Winchesters. A new dark rising, and only Will and a bunch of demon-blood baptised psychics to fight it." Such an awesome summary. I only managed a snippet of what that story could be, but it was fun to try a crossover, which I'd never done before.

Kissing Signs for flambeau, who prompted with Here is Greenwood, Mitsuru/Shinobu: pajamas, school spirit and kissing. Only my second HiG story, and actually my first was for yuletide 2005. They are never not fun to write.

Let me be a free man (SPN), for hesychasm--my first wincest :). Also a lot of fun to write, and more involved than I'd originally planned.

Then I finally posted a story I'd started for the family_secret challenge but stalled on early. But then I picked it up again down the road and it really started to flow: Imprinted, SPN, Sam/Dean. This was the time of the strikethrough, and it's underage and mildly explicit, so I thought briefly about just linking it to my website. But then it pissed me off that I had to even consider that.

And It's a Whole New Ballgame came out of nowhere; I'd been reading massive amounts of J2 AUs, and Hal said I should write a sports story, and then bang. I wrote it in two weeks, and I think it's the longest thing I've ever written.

Then my two complete crack fics, All your zombies and Chronicles of a Vampire Cat (SPN, gen), the first one written for Hal, because every SPN story I was working on she wanted a stray dog in there:

prillalar: also, there's this stray dog
kestrelsan: *laugh*
kestrelsan: maybe it's a ghost dog
kestrelsan: that Dean adopts
kestrelsan: or a zombie dog
prillalar: a zombie dog!!!
prillalar: that would be freaking awesome
kestrelsan: it really would be
kestrelsan: he's got dirt and flesh hanging off of him -- when he pants, little bits of his tongue fall out
prillalar: eeew
kestrelsan: Sam's totally grossed out by him, but Dean loves him
kestrelsan: he likes to jump on Sam
prillalar: can you imagine the smell?
kestrelsan: oh god
kestrelsan: yeah, real dogs are bad enough
prillalar: they have to buy cow brains to feed him
kestrelsan: cow brains!!
kestrelsan: yay!

I didn't manage the cow brains, but that's pretty much the story right there.

And then for spn_holidays I wrote L.A. Story (J2), which is still too new in my mind for me to have anything useful to say about it. I'm happy with how it came out, even though I wrote most of it under the influence of a fever.

So, not too bad, for me, at least.

Stories I started in 2007 and still plan to finish

The West Wing title/SPN challenge one, which is still 3/4 of the way done, and a story I really like, up until where it ends and I can't get it to where it needs to go. *kicks story*

Stories I started in 2007 and will never finish, unfortunately (or not)

The Dean/Gordon, which was so awesome in my head and then not so much on paper. And then they did bad things to Gordon and there's no way to make the story work with canon now.

And the one where Jared and Jensen go undercover to a neighborhood of Scientologists on the request of Chad, written as if they were Mulder and Scully in Arcadia. Yeah, I know. I have no idea where that came from. What I wrote on it was fun!

writing, fic challenges

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