fannish glee

Sep 24, 2007 12:56

I went up to Philly this weekend for a pimp-your-fandom gathering hosted by the ever awesome 829creatch, and got to see kimannebb, sydni_64, southpaw526, and feklar again, as well as meeting chi1013 and loreleif, Ahavia, J., M., and D., who I don't think have LJs. And watched lots of TV and ate junk food, which is what a fannish gathering should be.

kimannebb and I pimped SPN, Hell House and Tall Tales, and 829creatch expressed much in the way of Sam love, which makes me happy, because there can never be too much Sam love.

Also on the docket:

- The pilot of Chuck, which I only saw the last half of, because I was late and thought my memory of how to get to Creatch's was somehow superior to actual directions (which it was not). I liked the show a lot; the characters are compelling, there's a healthy dose of wackiness, and there's Jayne. Premise is that this adorably geeky boy gets all this top secret info downloaded into his brain from a friend's email, so now he's wanted by everyone :). I think it's only available through On Demand at the moment; I was a little fuzzy on that, so I need to do some investigating.

- feklar's totally cracked-out live action Japanese comedy, about a girl who goes to a boy's school in disguise because of her love for this tall emo-tastic former high jumper; there was spirit possession and sexual crisis, drunken kissing and creepy doctors who turned out not so bad, and it was just completely on crack. But really fun. Feklar told me about five times what it was called and I still can't remember, because my brain has been off-line.

(ETA: And that would be Hana-Kimi. Thanks, oracne!)

- loreleif showed us what has to be the slashiest scene I have ever on network TV, the jukebox scene from Wiseguy. There are no words. There was a long moment of silence, followed by a lot of holy shits, and I don't think even Sentinel reached those levels of man love.

I think that was it, though I missed some other showings due to lateness, and I'm possibly not remembering others. I missed some people who couldn't make it; you know who you are!! Next time :). And extra hugs to 829creatch for being such a kick-ass host.

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