holiday cheer

Dec 26, 2005 17:52

I haven't had a chance to read many yuletide or Shacking Up Sesa stories yet beyond the ones written for me, but even if I don't read any more I will still be happy :).

In Accordance is a fabulous 10 Things I Hate About You story that fleshes out the past and posits a very believable future for Kat and also Bianca. The characterization is wonderful.

'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves is so absolutely what I wanted in a Remus/Sirius story: something beyond the angst of the later years and the fluffy MWPP era, or rather something between those two things with the depth to still show the fantasticness of these characters and their relationships to one another. This story hits that note perfectly.

recs - fiction, fic challenges

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