I wrote a thing! I've kind of forgotten how to do this fandom thing.
prillalar and I signed up for the
tenipuri_xpair exchange, and I *drumroll* got assigned her! Which meant I got to write Tango Pair for her, which was a win, but also meant I couldn't tell her what I was writing, or get her to beta for me, or to hold my hand through all the PoT canon stuff I'd forgotten :). So I told her I was writing a My Little Pony crossover AU about prom, and now she's trying to get me to write that for her, too *g*. (hint: Kaidoh is a purple pegasus.)
Gravitational Attraction, Atobe/Sanada, with the barest hint of Tezuka because they're my headcanon love triangle, at
livejournal or