holiday challenges

Jan 22, 2011 11:02

The top_cagnotte authors and artists were revealed, so I can thank 52wk for the gorgeous Kirihara/Jackal art she did for me. I love them, and this, so much. I'll post the story I did for the challenge here in a bit.

Also, prillalar and I did our own tenipuri holiday challenge, which was SO MUCH FUN and I got to make her write Rikkai (ha!), and she wrote me this so totally spot-on Yanagi/Kirihara story that I think she needs to write Rikkai all the time. The Brown (or Common) Rat: Care and feeding of. It's so Renji and so Kirihara that I just want to bottle them up. And it's so Hal, too, so you know it's an awesome story :D.

recs - fiction, fic challenges

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