The Garden Overfloweth

Aug 24, 2010 21:29

I really don't have that big a garden. Four feet by four feet, containing two cucumber vines, four tomatoes, a couple of potatoes, thyme, basil and a collection of marigolds and moss roses. I can weed it in ten minutes, and water it with the hose - no sprinkler needed, it just doesn't take that long.

But small as it is, I have an abundance of those cucumbers and tomatoes. My basil is bushy enough that I could (and probably will) make several good batches of basil. My harvesting basket is full, and so is the mixing bowl, usually used for bread, that I poured the excess into. It's colorful, too, since half my cherry tomatoes are pear shaped red ones and the other half pear shaped yellow, and both are incredibly prolific. I'll probably take a quart over to my girlfriend, since she didn't get a garden in this year and they won't keep until I next go in to Indy. (Don't worry, Mom. I'll have more by then.) Judging by the number of green tomatoes and blossoms, they aren't slowing down any time soon either.

My son wants to try to make homemade ketchup, and I may attempt it. These are salad and slicing tomatoes, not sauce tomatoes, so I don't know how it will go. On the other hand, I might as well try it. It's not like I don't have the tomatoes to spare.
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