Comprehension of Consequences

Dec 09, 2009 18:10

I just sent this off to one of my senators (the Democrat) via e-mail. Belle, I know you and those you work with do the very best you can, and honor and respect you for it. Unfortunately, the logic still holds.

I have been reading that the "public option" is likely to be dropped from the health insurance bill being currently debated. However, mandatory insurance and a provision allowing insurance companies to decline individuals coverage remain in the bill.

This leaves those who currently lack insurance because they do not suit the insurance companies' narrow criteria with an unresolvable dilemma. If they *must* get insurance, but insurance companies can decline them, then where are they to get it if there is no public option? They are left with no way to comply with the law, and no insurance. Many will fail to seek care for fear of legal penalties. The same thing would apply if there are no price controls and insurance is mandatory, because there is nothing to prevent the insurance companies from achieving the same effect by making it unaffordable.

Health care reform is a long overdue, but this legislation would make matters worse. It's like putting the foxes in charge of the henhouse.
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