Ack, my lurkiness appears to be increasing! Aren't lurkers supposed to gradually de-lurk, rather than, um...en-lurken...ise? No, I don't know what I'm going on about either. Basically, I have been a very bad LJ user and haven't updated in something like 2 weeks. Which means I haven't been reviewing my shows! Blasphemy! And because I'm lazy, I do not really intend to. Yes, I'm sure you all find it tragic and feel you can't live without my amazing reviews now that you have had those brief, delicious tastes of them, but you'll just have to find a way of coping.
Oh, okay then, because I am merciful, I'll give some brief reviews.
4.20 - The Rapture
Dean's dream: Awww. This makes me :D and D: at the same time. Cas giving Dean that note was cute and lovely, even though it was meant to be ominous. Which it was. At the same time. So I was also :/
Jimmy was cool. I liked him. I mean, he was pretty foolish in ignoring the boys and thinking he could go home to his family and have a happily ever after, but I suppose he wasn't thinking straight, and he doesn't exactly have the foresight of a fangirl. Or a prophet.
And what the hell happened to Castiel in heaven?? Tell usss! I really hope they do. They have to. Surely?
Also, I don't really like to think it, but Dean was kinda right about the whole angels being dicks with wings. Because that was some major manipulation going on with Jimmy there. As if they even gave him a choice in becoming a vessel! First, they make him seem like a lunatic and drive him away from his family, then make him think that if he gives himself up wholey to the service of angels, it will help his family. Bullshit.
And yeah, that's pretty much Castiel doing the manipulating there. But then, the Castiel we all know and love didn't really exist back then. It's only gradually that he's come to learn about humans and their emotions. And his little stint in heaven hasn't really changed that. As we can see in 4.21. Speaking of which...
4.21 - When the Levee Breaks
This whole episode was D: I mean, it was GOOD, but it was bad. If ya get what I mean. The angst was glorious. Everyone's pretty much said what needs to be said about Sam. His arse needs kicking. He needs to see that he is seriously misguided, and okay, my Dean!girlishness may be coming through a little too much here, I don't know, but he really needs to fucking apologise to Dean. Dean went to Hell for him. And ever since he got back from there, Sam has been a douche. He needs to get off the damn demon blood and now.
And Ruby? Needs. To. Die. I'd say she needs to die a slow and painful death but I don't think I have the patience for that anymore. I just want her dead. As soon as possible. Kthx.
And oh dear, Cas :( You are making me very sad. I'm not sure what's going to happen here - I dread to think what's gonna happen between him and Dean when Dean finds out that Castiel was the one to let Sam out. Hopefully they'll have some hot, angry smex. Someone had an interesting theory that Castiel was unknowingly taking orders from Uriel's converted angels, because they want Sam out because he is the only one who has the power to kill Lilith who may or may not be the last Seal (which completely explains why she said that she'd be killed off just before the good part). All of that makes complete sense to me. I just really hope Castiel twigs what's going on soon and does something about it. Like have hot angry smex with Dean warn Dean.
On the other hand, the Dean/Cas scene was hawt, and I love how everyone's making connections to marriage vows. And the fact that Dean is once again making a deal that could potentially destroy him all for the sake of his brother. It's all so poetic. And so so sad.
And the amount of times Castiel did his puppy-dog face? Heartbreaking. And the looong pan-out at the end of that scene? They totally had some hot angry smex after that. Well, I don't know why it'd have to be angry. But it'd be hawt.
Roll on next week! We're having celebratory pizza with SPN next week. At mine. Cos it's gonna be my birthday. Almost. I'm so gonna count the SPN finale as an extra birthday present. It'll be ace.
5.14 - The Variable
I just have one thing to say: DANIEL! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Why, show, WHY??!!!! *sob* Eloise is officially a bitch and needs to die. *sobsniffleweep*
5.15 - Follow the Leader
Okay, so I heard beforehand that this was going to be a Richard-centric episode. And yes, in some ways it was. But I was kinda hoping we'd at least find out something about him. Like why is he ageless??? Are we ever going to find this out? Okay okay, I have faith, I have patience. I trust the creators of Lost, they always come through for us. But I do feel a little cheated still.
And, um, who are you off to kill now, Locke? What?! I'm not sure I like where this is heading. Locke, give up your silly God-complex already, it's annoying.
But yay for Sayid being around again. I swear, like, 2 minutes before he reappeared, I turned to hikari_datanshi and went 'hey, I wonder what ever happened to Sayid. He just kinda wandered off after shooting Ben...OH, THERE HE IS'
And that's all I can think to say about that. Other than the guy beating on Sawyer and Juliet also needs to die. He is trés annoying.
5.23 - Under My Skin
I adored this episode. I really did. House and Wilson were fantastic. House and Cuddy were fantastically fantastic (especially at the end - squee!). And House? Was fantastic! That is all.
In other news!
My first exam is swiftly approaching and I need to start revising. Unfortunately I have this horrible habit of...not. I mean, it really shouldn't be that hard, I just need to refamiliarise myself with the texts (or in some cases, start/finish reading them), look back through lecture notes and make sure I'm aware of important themes and link them in the texts. It's not that that I'm particularly averse to - in fact, I like the majority of the texts I studied for American Lit - it's just the very idea of work, of having something I have to do that puts me off doing it.
And I find multiple distractions. In the form of The Internet, other books I'd much rather read, eating (what? I can't work while I eat!) and Watching Stuff. One of those distractions has been cruelly confiscated. Which makes me sad. BUT I have found further distractions, which may be why I'm currently giving this update...apart from the fact that it was sorely needed.
But anyway, today, instead of revising, I've been thinking dissertation-y thoughts, and went hunting for jester-related resources, as I want to write about the role of jesters in literature. There's this awesome site that I've known about for a couple of years called
The Jester's Mask which I reckon will be invaluable to me next year. It's got all sorts of info on jesters, like quotes, books, plays, poems, costume info, analyses, lists of all the different kinds of jester...It's just what I need, and I really do find it all incredibly interesting. So I've been scouring that site and a couple of others it linked me to.
Sadly, that site doesn't seem to get updated often. But some of the resource links are even worse. There was one or two sites I came across in my search that hadn't been updated since 2001. And it's so weird to think that there must be so many of these dead websites out there, just floating around, not being used, the links dead, the pictures vanished. It's just weird and kinda creepy. Kinda reminds me of this book I once read called
Exodus which was set not too far into the future where the world has been almost completely flooded and technology has become practically obsolete. The protagonist has a rare object that allows her to access the internet, or what remains of it, and the way the author describes it makes it seem like a sort of junksite, or a graveyard of information. It wass haunting in a way. None of it was alive anymore, none of it being used - no one was there. Anyway, that's what it reminded me of, stumbling into a far corner of the internet where no one ever went anymore.
And now I'm going to go take a shower. Off out to see Star Trek soon. Yay?