From a Perkins School Action Alert, but I expect this holds just as true for all Mass. students with disabilities:
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Earlier this week the Massachusetts Legislature imposed a Tuition Freeze for Perkins School for the Blind and other Chapter 766 special education schools. This was not anticipated, since both the Governor and the House had approved a 2.13% cost of living tuition rate increase for Fiscal Year 2013.
This means that Perkins School for the Blind will receive approximately $450,000 fewer dollars than had been expected. As a great friend and supporter of Perkins, you know that these are critical funds used to support services to some of the most vulnerable students in Massachusetts.
The freezing of tuition dollars impacts Perkins and all other Chapter 766 special education schools, their students, families and staff. Statewide, $15 million fewer dollars will go to students with special needs! We need to make our voices heard. We need your immediate help with this critical issue.
PLEASE Call or write today!
Simply make a call to the Governor’s office at: 617-725-4005. Give your name and ask Governor Patrick to Veto Outside Section 169 - The Rate Freeze for Chapter 766 Schools. You could also email or fax a letter to the Governor. block quote end