Electrofluidic Display Technology developed at the University of Cincinnati

May 18, 2009 15:39

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   For the first time “e-paper” will achieve the brilliance of printed media, as described in the May issue of "Nature Photonics."

The pixel structure is able to reveal or hide the pigments with high contrast and video speed. The reservoir (center circle) holds the pigment until it
is ready to be displayed by application of voltage.

Thinking about getting an e-reader but not sure if you like reading the dim screen? An international collaboration of the University of Cincinnati, Sun
Chemical, Polymer Vision and Gamma Dynamics has announced Electrofluidic Display Technology (EFD), the first technology to electrically switch the appearance
of pigments in a manner that provides visual brilliance equal to conventional printed media.

....Lead author Heikenfeld explains the primary advantage of the approach.

“The ultimate reflective display would simply place the best colorants used by the printing industry directly beneath the front viewing substrate of a display,”
he says. “In our EFD pixels, we are able to hide or reveal colored pigment in a manner that is optically superior to the techniques used in electrowetting,
electrophoretic and electrochromic displays.”

Because the optically active layer can be less than 15 microns thick, project partners at PolymerVision see strong potential for rollable displays. The
product offerings could be extremely diverse, including electronic windows and tunable color casings on portable electronics.
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