Horror book reviews

Oct 15, 2008 15:39

Somewhat belatedly, here is a link to an omnibus review I did on three horror books (I'm amused by the bit where the blurb at
wonders if I sleep with a nightlight).
The reviews are at
and the three books are
Al Sarrantonio, Halloween and Other Seasons (Cemetery Dance Publications, 2008)
Matt Warner, Horror Isn't a Four-Letter Word(Guide Dog Books, 2008)
H. P. Lovecraft (writer), S. T. Joshi (editor), The Annotated Supernatural Horror In Literature (Hippocampus Press, 2000)

Also, I'm not sure if I ever linked to a review I wrote quite a while ago, but is probably one of the most fun reviews I've written this year (I was channeling Miss Manners younger second cousin once removed, Miss McCobb):

Nicholas Kaufman (editor), Jack Haringa Must Die!:
28 Original Tales of Madness, Terror and Strictly
Grammatical Murder (Merricat Publications, 2008)

block quote start
Jack Haringa is neither a serial killer nor a multi-tentacled monster from an alien dimension (although you might be forgiven for believing him to be either
of these creatures, considering the murderous glee with which his downfall is imagined within the twenty-eight stories of this chapbook). No, Jack Haringa
is a real person, a writer, reviewer, critic and editor....
I myself had the opportunity to listen to Mr. Haringa speak on the subject of horror literature sometime last year, and I found him to be an erudite and
eloquent man. Beneath that erudite and eloquent exterior, however, lurks the heart of, no, not a monster, but something much more malevolent: an editor.

It seems that Mr. Haringa's pursuit of grammatical perfection and punctilious attention to punctuation is a characteristic which instills in horror writers
the urge to write Mr. Haringa into their stories just for the pleasure of killing him in new and creative ways.
block quote end

writing, reviews, books, horror

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