Audio captcha research request for participants

Jun 19, 2008 11:14

The inaccessibility of visual captchas is (along with inaccessible PDF docs and those annoying Web sites that automatically play visual and sound media with no option to make it stop) in my top three most frustrating accessibility issues. Here's an opportunity to add to the weight of research with the goal of increasing awareness of the alternatives.

Jeff Bigham, a Graduate student at the University of Washington in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering is conducting research into audio captchas, the goal being to use the results to inform future development.

Whether you are sighted or have a visual impairment, if you are
interested in taking part in the research, go to
--the study should take no more than 15 minutes, and you will need to install the latest Flash player, if you don't have it on your system.


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