found in the Liblicense-L List Archives (Liblicense: Licensing Digital Information) Willinsky's (2005) excellent book on Open Access is now
available Open Access. Its only short-coming is that it makes
absolutely no mention of its predecessor, the first book on Open
Access, edited by Okerson & O'Donnell (1995), published over a
decade earlier:
Okerson, A.S. & O'Donnell, J.J. (1995) (Eds.) Scholarly
Journals at the Crossroads: A Subversive Proposal for
Electronic Publishing. Association of Research Libraries. Willinsky, J. (2005) The Access Principle: The Case
for Open Access to Research and Scholarship MIT Press Journals is to stage a one-day conference to report new
results from its open access experiments.
Conference details:
Monday 5 June
76 Portland Place, London, W1B 1NT
Preliminary programme:
Martin Richardson and Claire Saxby, Oxford Journals, Oxford University
Press Oxford Journals and Open Access
Claire Creaser and Eric Davies, LISU, Loughborough University
Counting on Open Access - Preliminary Outcomes of an Experiment in
Evaluating Scholarly Journal Open Access Models
David Nicholas and Paul Huntington, CIBER, University College London
Determining the impact of open access publishing on use and users
More information on the programme will be available from