I finally got Insurance and Tags for my new toy:
The bike is awesome, it's a 1982 Yamaha SECA 400cc 6 speed. It runs perfect, starts on the first try even after sitting. It's got lots of rust and a shitty pain job, so I plan to tear it down over the winter and have it powdercoated.
I spent all day yesterday (when I wasn't grouting the tile in the new place) riding. I ride around the city in the morning, and then up woodbine to around Aurora rd-ish in the evening. All told about 150km.
I haven't ridden a motorcycle on real roads before yesterday. I decided that I wanted one, bought it and leathers and started riding. It's pretty damn awesome.
It's harder than it looks to coordinate both feet, and both hands to get throttle, clutch, gears, and braking all in time. I stalled the poor thing about 30 times all told. Better than learning to drive though, I think I blew my moms clutch entirely on that experiment.
I started by riding up and down eastern - where it dead-ends due to construction until I was sure I wouldn't die trying to ride, and then I had to head into traffic to get gas. Forgot what gear I was in at a light, and stalled the bike 4000 times figuring it out.
I'm getting the hang of looking at the tach and the speedo and guessing what gear I'm in, but I still forget sometimes. It's not like a car where you can look at the gearshift and tell what gear it's in.
I'm glad to have some sort of wheels. This year's the first time I've not had a car since I was 16. I don't miss commuting to work at all, but I have been feeling a little trapped not being able to drive somewhere on a whim.
In other news, I got to see Matt & Caela last weekend very briefly. And they're going to come visit in Aug! Yay, happy dance.
I'm off to get some food.