Oh my christ.

May 05, 2008 23:08

So, I had an 8:30 am meeting today. Ugh. So, I left work at 4:30 and Girlyfriend drove us to Ikea where we picked up some shelving and a Pax for the bedroom. We get the drawers, the door and the hooks, we check out, we strap it to the car and drive back to DC, lug it inside, lug it up the 3 flights of stairs (did I mention this ways 107 pounds?), we get it inside the house and try to stand it up to find... the box is too tall for the room. Interesting. We take the box back outside, open it, stand up the pieces and find that it is an inch shorter than the ceiling. As in, I said we wanted the 90" tall one when we actually wanted the 80" tall one. The good news is that it fits and looking at the assembly, we should be able to stand it up without incident. Barely. The bad news is... we have no idea how we're going to get it out when it's time to move. It sure as hell won't fit through the doorway.

Also, it's a good thing we bought an extra set of shelves.


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