Yarn, babies, & being eaten alive.

Mar 22, 2007 10:26

Freaky, freaky dreams last night.

First one... I was poking around Soon to be Ex Roommate's room, which had grown to monumental proportions, had a sewing area, floating walls, etc... There was also a new floor inbetween the main level and the upstairs rooms that contained an arts and crafts room. STBER's room also had a hanging storage thing containing some very pretty yarn. I remember admiring both the yarn and how she stored it. Colors were light blue and black.

Second... I was 9 months pregnant. I went to the doctor and then came back home. Hanging out with my older brother and just knowing I was going to give birth that day... waiting for my water to break or contractions to start. We take the bus back to the hospital. One of the stops had "Planned Parenthood" written on it and mel21clc (who had shown up on the bus) pointed out that you waited there for PP vans to take you to their clinic. We get to the next stop and my doctor gets off. I point out the fact that my gynecologist is riding the bus to my older brother. The bus continues to stay stopped until I realize that we're at the hospital, so I get off. Get in the hospital... wake up and I've got pain at the top of my belly, not at the bottom where I should be. I hear a baby crying and realize that I must have slept through most of my labor. A million different thoughts flit through my head, the main one being that I am not ready to have a child and that I'm going to have to give it up. I haven't even seen it. I don't know if it's a boy or a girl.

Third and freaktastically freaky ZOMG ARGH! I don't quite know how it happens, but this guy gets trapped by a giant plant/bug/thing. He's standing and it's holding his wrists out in a Y shape with these little orange string things. I think something is holding his feet in place, too. There might be something covering his eyes as well. He started panicking at first, but once the orange things got his wrists and hoisted him upright, he calmed down and made some comment about how it must be drugging him. Someone else is watching all of this and making no effort to help, not because they're also being held captive by the plant/bug/thing, but because they don't care. Detached, scientific curiousity. A rock comes hurtling out of the air from behind the guy and hits him in the head. "Ow," he says. A second rock comes out and hits him again. He says something more involved this time, but I don't remember what. A third, larger rock comes out and hits him a third time, either killing him or stunning him. I wake up knowing that he's about to be eaten.


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