Sunday Updates: It Starts

May 21, 2006 12:31

I would like to report that I did nothing productive yesterday. Not even the grocery shopping, which was actually rather necessary. I'll pick up some paskgetti sauce and the wine for the thing tomorrow at Whole Foods and then go grocery shopping... um... I have no idea. But then again, the little brother shows up Wednesday, so that whole not eating from restaurants thing goes out the window.

My back is really sore. Really. Really sore. I took nuprin a few hours ago... I guess I need to make more.

Last night, I went out to Rosslyn to see jude's show, Faust which is incredibly sexy. Like, super, super sexy. Mmm. Sexy. And not just because the ensemble of demony types were all goth. My one issue with the show is at the start of an orgy scene, the devil has everyone drink blood from a goblet while Faust stands there looking manly (OMG SO PRETTY) with a knife. After the devil makes the rounds, Faust pulls the knife from the sheaf and the devil puts it into the cup and then everybody goes crazy with the stage blood and the supersexy and the nakey. The knife into cup moment is actually found in Wiccan ritual and, you know, that kind of pissed me off. They probably didn't even realize they were referencing that, so I'm not holding a grudge. I just had a moment of "hey, that was my religion! I thought we were talking about Christianity here!" But hey, the show moves to the KenCen next month and it's got the sexy, sexy and cool music, awesome choreography and did I mention the shirtless hot people? Also, there's a bathtub on stage.

After which, I got kidnapped by jude and folks and went out to East Falls Church and IHOP where foodses and good times were had by all. Except that our waiter was either way overworked or just not that bright. Separate checks for the table except for two which wanted to be billed together ended up being 2 checks, a hamburger with bacon was a bacon cheeseburger, a request for no sauce but lemon came out with sauce and sans lemon, etc... I ended up tipping about 10%, which is really low for me because, well, the service kind of blew. And I always feel bad about that but it was still bad. Got a phone call at 11 (pm) asking me to come in at 10 (am) today to wait for some party rental pickup. People, if you ever want a job where competence will make you a brilliant human being, go into party rentals. The people I've had to deal with in the past three days have made my head want to explode. So, yes, I got 6 restless hours of sleep on Friday and 6.5 hours of sleep last night. Needless to say, I've had a ridiculously large cup of coffee and I'm still about to nod off. Because it's Sunday. Stupid Sunday.

Today's circular shopping featured 20" TVs for $115 at Best Buy. If I buy a TV before the little brother rolls in on Wednesday, I won't have to find a place holding a Lost finale screening for us to go to that night. Someone talk me out of this. Please?

Gods, when the hell am I going to get to the grocery store? Blargy blargy blarg.

life: the recap, theater, whining, consumer whore, plans

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