An Update. Try Not to Fall Over From Shock.

Nov 19, 2009 11:57

I haven't updated in yonks, really. There hasn't been a whole lot to say. I've somehow become a runner and yesterday managed to complete week 4 day 1 of the Couch to 5K program. For those just tuning in, that's a 5 minute warm up walk, 3 minute run, 90 second walk, 5 minute run, 2.5 minute walk, 3 minute run, 90 second walk, 5 minute run, 5 minute cool down. That's INSANE to me. I did it very very slowly for the running, but I did it.

(Let's ignore the fact that I started my couch to 5K program 2 months ago and have just now completed week 4. Let's also ignore the fact that my 5K is next week and I clearly will not run the entire thing. Let's focus on the fact that I ran for 5 minutes. Twice. Dude.)

Since I've proven that I will exercise a heck of a lot more if I'm working towards something, I'm signing up for a 5K in March or April once I finish this one. (Isn't there a Cherry Blossom 5K or something?) I'm also treating myself to new, professionally fitted running shoes and possibly a zip up running jacket I've been lusting after at Target for months.

Speaking of being good to myself, I'm taking the plunge and switching my healthcare to goingdriftless's Dr. Almost-House. Well, not her specifically, but her practice, which is very holistic and focused on wellness. I'm excited about the fact that they will (probably) actually listen to me and understand that surviving is not an acceptable state of health for me and that I want to actively work towards feeling better. (Please note the above mentioned 5K) And I think they'll get my anti-dieting stance as well. The kicker is, of course, that they don't take health insurance. You pay upfront, they send a bill to your health insurance and the insurance reimburses you. I have a Flexible Health Savings Account, but it's still going to be a pain to figure out the best way to do it. (I can either pay upfront with the HFSA and then pay them the difference when I figure out how much the insurance will reimburse or I can pay with a credit card, get a check from my insurance for reimbursement for the visit, then submit a payment request to the FHSA for reimbursement for the remainder)

I also am pretty sure I'm going to need another crown. I've had a toothache for 2 months. Waiting for 2010 for renewed insurance to take care of it. Ugh.

Other than that, things are pretty meh. We're going down to Duck for Thanksgiving and it'll be lovely. I still can't find any pants that fit. I continue to have a fabulous fiancee who I love dearly. I continue to be amazed that I can say the word "fiancee." DC continues to be on the verge of passing gay marriage. I've been knitting a little bit (monkey, yes, but a baby blanket and a chemo cap as well). I want a hardcore massage to work all the kinks out of my neck and shoulder. The TV show Glee is the best thing ever and so is its soundtrack. stentoriansista and I are taking salsa lessons, which is really fun except for the whole 'wait, a girl is leading?' aspect and the fact that Joy of Motion has the worst customer service ever in DuPont. I miss Thursdays at Playbill with prettyprincessb and mareska. Everyone I know is pregnant, which is weird to me. I want to see both Precious and The Blind Side, so I can weep like a small child. Now that the monkey's done, I can read again and I've been devouring library books. Auditioned for The Vagina Monologues. That sort of thing.

health, exercise, life: the recap

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