Crockpot Potato Leek & Cabbage Soup

Jul 24, 2009 15:59

Made a good soup in the crockpot last night. Went like this:
Mess of farm share potatoes (maybe 5-6 smaller ones?)
1 small onion
3 leeks
1/2 giant farmshare cabbage
3 garlic scapes
sprig thyme from backyard
1 box chicken broth
chopped chives (from backyard herb garden)
3 slices bacon, diced

Dice veggies and throw everything up to the chicken broth in crockpot and cook on low for 7 hours. Put bacon on to cook. Chop chives. Find immersion blender. Blend soup with immersion blender. Realize immersion blender is no longer working. Hunt for and rinse out suitable bowl to put finished soup in since you can no longer blend and serve from crockpot and cuisinart with appropriate bowl and blades. Realize bacon is burning. Remove bacon from heat. Accidentally melt the spatula on the hot stove. Accidentally melt a little of a plastic bag of kitchen gadgets sitting on the stove. Put 1/3 soup mixture in cuisinart and blend. Put into bowl and realize that it's the texture of applesauce. Regret that you considered putting in a second box of broth but decided against it. Put second third soup mixture in cuisinart with water and blend. Put into bowl and stir, to discover the texture is still a little rough. Put remaining third and a crapton of water in the cuisinart and blend. Add to the bowl, stir and taste. Realize you probably should have added salt. Add probably a tablespoon of salt & a little pepper to the bowl. Stir more. Taste again and wish you added more garlic and onion and remember that garlic scapes don't crock very well (they do fine in regular cooking, but it's my experience that they don't flavor as well as garlic cloves in soups). Dice unburned bacon. Ladle into bowls and add diced bacon and chives on top.

Makes 6 dinner sized servings or 12 side dish servings.

(So, if you're feeling the need to make some potato leek soup, I'd say: a good amount of potatoes, half a cabbage, 5 leeks, 2 small onions, 3 garlic cloves, 2 boxes chicken broth, 1 tbsp salt and a working immersion blender)


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