On the other hand...

Jul 01, 2009 13:26

There are good things about moving. Not having a fourth floor walk-up, not having to worry about finding a parking spot at 11 on a Sunday night, that sort of thing. But mostly, our crazy-ass across the hall neighbors. They... they're insane.

It's a husband, wife and son and I actually think the wife may have some issues. She was the one who, as we were leaving to go on a rafting trip, asked us if we were moving again (this was a month after we moved in) and literally tried to hand us her cat. To have. She also stopped me in the hallway a month or two ago to ask if we'd seen anyone hanging around her apartment, because she'd had several break ins. (We live on the fourth floor. Sound carries. So, no)

They have a burglar alarm, which they're fond of setting off late at night for no reason (and it's loud enough that I can hear it in our living room). We've let the police into our building to check it out once, and there've been other times it's happened.

They have a deadbolt and a cypherlock deadbolt. Or they had a cypherlock, until last Wednesday when it disappeared and was replaced with a piece of cloth in the hole. Last week, they started hammering. They only hammer at night, at like 11, 12 or one am. On Friday, they started drilling around 12:30 in the morning as well. When all that was going on, I looked through the peephole and stepped outside to make sure nothing weird was going on. Nope. They were actually hammering on the door so hard it shook... from the inside. This has continued. Every night. The hammering doesn't last long - not longer than 5 minutes - but the thwacking is disconcerting.

And to top it off, there was yesterday. stentoriansista rescued me from the torrential downpour and picked me up from the dentist. We made it upstairs to see their cat (yes, the one she tried to hand to us) hanging out on the landing. Girlio said that they'd had their door open when she left and she must have closed it, not realizing the cat was out. It happens, no big. So, we walk over to her door and the cat follows us. I use the knocker. Wait about a minute, no response, well, it was kind of quiet, let's actually knock louder. 'Who is it!' is yelled through the closed door. 'Your neighbors with your cat!' 'Who!' 'Your cat!' 'Who is it!!' 'YOUR CAT.' 'Oh, my cat?' Door opens enough to let the cat through and she runs in. Door closes. The end.

So weird.
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