Bread & Plants

Jun 17, 2009 10:13

So, last week, I attempted to make this (vegan) bean dip but I made the fatal mistake of using the amount of garlic scapes called for by the recipe and the result was overpowering raw garlic taste. Much like eating an unroasted garlic clove. Bleh.

I decided that I could use it in a bread recipe, googled a bit and found this ranch style bread recipe and made it Monday. It's good! The garlic roasted, so it's a much milder flavor and the bread has extra protein from the beans. I'm using it for today's ham sandwich lunch... we'll see how it turns out.

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to eat all of my lunch today... I put a handful of the mustard greens and a handful of the sorrel from yesterday's farm share pickup in a tupperware this morning. I had one of the mustard greens as I walked out the door... and let's just say my sinuses cleared out very quickly. Not sure if I'll be able to eat the rest. Is it weird that I didn't think that mustard greens would taste like concentrated mustard?

In other news, my plants are growing!!! The tomato seedling added a third shoot (though there are two dead shoots, but they weren't looking good when I got the seedling). Basil's growing and mystery seedling (either oregano or marjoram) is looking good too. Picked up a parsley at the farm share today. It's freaking me out that I may be able to keep plants alive and then use them to cook. I feel all growed up.

recipes, gardening

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