Title: Four times Sweden tried romancing Finland (and one time he succeeded)
Rating: G
Pairings/characters: Sweden/Finland
Warnings: None
Summary: Sweden tries his hand at romance.
Notes: Had this in the works for the longest time, but never figured out how to finish it =/
Finland opens his door in response to the knocks and finds Sweden holding up a small bunch of delicate white flowers. They stare awkwardly at each other for a few moments, neither quite sure what to say.
“I brought y’ flowers,” Sweden finally ventures.
“You do realize you’re supposed to wear gloves with those, right? They’re poisonous.”
“Ge mig hit lite bäck och en penna
Jag vill rekommendera ett brev
Du skall alltid få se och besinna
Att jag håller ingen kärare än dig…”
Finland throws open his window and leans out. “If you’re going to try serenading me, at least sing in my language!”
“Yli riemuni oot mitä toivoisin
sä kun istut mun rinnallain
Olet kaikkeni, aarteeni, kallehin
Olet onneni, unelmain…”
Finland throws his window open again, unable to stand Sweden’s butchered pronunciations any longer. “Damnit, Sve, I’m trying to sleep!”
Finland puts on his hat and steps out his door.
Or at least, attempts to, because some instinct for self-preservation kicks in and he leaps back indoors in order to not collide with the three moomins with instruments standing on his doorstep. Finland groans and pulls out his cell phone.
“Sve, if you want to ask me on a date, you have my permission to do it in a normal manner.”
Finland wakes up from his nice, satisfying nap on Sweden’s couch to find Sweden looming over him and bites back a scream. “Oh hi Sve, sorry for falling asleep like that,” he says hastily.
“Don’t worry,” Sweden mumbles. “Y' seemed tired.” And before Finland’s figured out what’s going on, Sweden has dropped to one knee and is holding his hand. “Fin, will y' marry me?”
Finland gapes for several seconds before finding his voice again. And then he smiles lazily. “As long as I’m not the w-mmfph!”
He never gets to finish the sentence, because Sweden proceeds to kiss him senseless.