So, I've decided to make a journal entry. Shock horror! I guess I just feel bad having this sitting here and not even posting xp And I want to try out some features as well. This is actually my second time posting this, but lj was being sentimental >>
Here's some general introductory information about me (girl in the pink dress above):
Name: Mary
Age: 18
Location: The Women's College, Sydney, Australia
Occupation: Student, in first year of a Bachelor of Science (Advanced) at the University of Sydney
Hobbies: singing, dancing, flute, piano, swimming, netball, reading (fantasy, historical fiction, non-fiction, classics), internet (rpg sites mainly xp), fanfiction
Fandoms: Merlin, Black Jewels Trilogy, Harry Potter
Why lj? Well, you see, the thing is...I had a different lj account (
illanorielle) that I created solely for the purpose of commenting on Lynn Flewelling's blog (
otterdance). However, after creating said account, I promptly forgot the password, and as a result I used it a grand total of once ^^;;
Then along came Merlin. The first season of Merlin started airing in Australia in May, but I have choir on Sunday nights, so I only got to see the first half of the first episode. So after choir, what do I do but go on the internet to try and find the first episode to finish watching it. My search eventually led me to youtube where I watch the whole first episode. At the end of the first episode, there was a trailer for the second episode...and a conveniently placed link on the side for said second episode. So, of course, I go watch it, cause I'm cool like that. Then I watch the third. Then the fourth. By this time, it is after 1am on a monday morning, with me needing to get up for university in less than six hours. So, reluctantly, I head to bed, only to get up at the crack of dawn to watch another episode before uni, then skipping lunch to watch another, and... well you get the idea. By Tuesday afternoon I had seen the whole first season and was making solid progress through the fan videos and extras. Also by Tuesday afternoon I had spent $25 on internet since Sunday and found myself cut off and $12 in debt (I live on campus, and as a result use university internet, which charges something fierce everytime you use youtube. But I may or may not have complicated matters by leaving youtube running for two days straight...hence the in debt part...)
My craving for Merlin was in no way diminished by finishing the series, however. I found myself turning to my trusted (I think my account is kesterel2106 or maybe just kesterel), to see if there was any Merlin fanfiction available. And lo! and behold, what do I find? Fanfiction! Lots, and lots of fanfiction! I steadily made my way through 30 pages each with 30 fanfictions listed. But then that resource dried up, and my obsession was still eating my brain. Luckily, someone on had mentioned posting their fanfictions on livejournal. Next stop in quest for more Merlin...LJ! And here I am with my brand spanking new (relative term...maybe virginal is better?) lj account. Over the past months I have worked my way through pretty much every fanfiction available on livejournal (excluding the femslash for some reason) and am now eagerly awaiting Merlin season 2 (6 days >.<), with bated breath, and reading all the spoilers I can in the mean time!
Anywho, that's pretty much all I have to say for myself. Rather unimpressed at having to type that all out again, but ah well. I'm procrastinating anyway.
I'm open to any and all friends requests, though I would prefer to, you know, have had SOME interaction with you before. Fellow Merlin fanatics particularly sought after!