So, today's been exciting. I'm looking at betaing a fic for
au_bigbang , which isn't in any of my fandoms but is quite intriguing so far. I'm currently at my aunt and uncle's house as I start house-sitting for them tomorrow (or more accurately, cat-sitting. You know that fic where Gwen minds Morgana's cats, Merlin and Arthur? It's exactly like that. With perhaps a longer instruction list!) We went out for dinner, which was nice, and I've managed to blow a light bulb already ^^;;
I went and saw Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief with my sister today, and it was epic lolzy goodness. I quite like the idea of a Greek mythology modern AU, but the characterisation and introductory plot was hilarious in its absence and the "American-ness" of the whole thing just made me giggle incessantly. Actually, we probably treated the whole thing as a joke, but as a result we really enjoyed it! It had lots of figures from Greek mythology, even if the places have been moved to America in the intervening millenniums (The Underworld is under Hollywood, I kid you not. Oh and Olympus is at the top of the Empire State building xD), as well as lots of action and sword fighting, which will always be exciting even if it is horribly unrealistic. A good way to kill the afternoon and I was definitely happy coming out of the cinema. I've seen so many movies this year already!